摘 要
In this paper, the finite element software Midas is used to model, design and check the bridge in the given area.
First, we conceive the overall design of the bridge according to our task requirements, then make the bridge type and select the most suitable bridge structure. In this way, after determining the overall layout of the bridge, we will determine the main dimensions of the bridge.
Next, we can use Midas to model the bridge and calculate the internal force diagram of the main girder after applying the calculated load. Then, according to the internal force of the bridge, the prestressing steel bars are arranged. After layout, we can check the stability of each section of the bridge and modify our reinforcement scheme. After checking, the next thing to do is to determine the basic size of the underlying structure.
Finally, we put forward some key points in the selection of construction plan and construction.
Key Words:Bridge Design; Finite Element; Structural Design; Force Testing

第1章 工程概况 1
1.1 目的及意义 1
1.2 设计资料 1
1.2.1 技术标准 1
1.2.2 设计规范 1
1.2.3 注意事项 1
第2章方案比选 2
2.1 桥梁设计原则 2
2.2 结构形式 2
2.3 拟定方案 4
2.4 桥跨结构图示及主要尺寸拟定 5
第3章 荷载内力计算 7
3.1 恒载内力计算 7
3.1.1 计算方法 7
3.1.2 计算结果 7
3.2 活载内力计算 8
3.3 内力组合 9
第4章 预应力钢束设计 12
4.1 计算原理 12
4.2 预应力钢束的布置 13
4.2.1 预应力钢束布置原则 13
4.2.2 预应力钢束的布置 13
第5章 PSC验算结果 17
5.1 施工阶段正截面法向压力验算 17
5.2 使用阶段正截面压应力验算 21
5.3 使用阶段正截面抗裂验算 22
5.4 使用阶段斜截面抗裂验算 24
5.5 使用阶段斜截面正压应力验算 26
5.6 使用阶段正截面抗弯验算 27
5.7 施工阶段斜截面抗剪验算 30
第6章 下部结构设计 34
第7章 施工组织设计 36
7.1 悬臂施工的特点 36
7.2 悬臂拼装法步骤 36
7.3 施工控制 36
参考文献 37
总结 38
致谢 39