The title of this graduation project is the design of Qiyang Ring Road Overpass over the Yangtze River. The upper and lower structures of the main part of the bridge are designed and calculated, and the construction drawings are drawn.
According to the requirements of relevant codes, the detailed dimensions of the main girder, main pier and foundation pile are worked out in this design. The cross section of the main girder is single box and single chamber. The height of the box girder and the thickness of the bottom slab are changed by quadratic parabola. The web is changed by straight line at the end of No. 4 beam, and the thickness of the top slab remains unchanged. Considering the structure and geological conditions of continuous box girder bridge, bored cast-in-place piles are designed according to friction piles.
The model of continuous box girder bridge is established by Midas finite element software to calculate and analyze the superstructure of the bridge, including displacement analysis, internal force analysis, internal force checking in construction stage, section checking and prestressing tendon estimation, etc. In addition, the influence of temperature load, concrete shrinkage and creep, bearing settlement and moving load should also be considered. For the lower structure, the bearing capacity of abutment and pile is checked by hand calculation.
After rigorous analysis and calculation, the calculation process of the continuous box girder structure in this design is rigorous, the internal force distribution meets the requirements and meets the requirements of relevant specifications
Key words:Continuous box girder bridge;Finite element modeling and analysis;Stress checking calculation;Prestressed steel bundle; Bored cast-in-place pile
桥梁宽度为17m,采用整幅设置,内侧设置波型护栏,外侧设置防撞护栏,其布置为:B= 0.5m(外侧护栏)+0.5m(侧向净宽)+3.75(机动车道)×4+1m(内侧护栏)=17m。

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章概述 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.1.1工程介绍 1
1.1.2地形地貌 1
1.1.3地质情况 1
1.2设计资料及基本数据 2
1.2.1技术标准 2
1.2.2材料及其设计参数 2
1.2.3设计依据 4
1.3桥型布置 4
1.3.1变截面连续箱梁的优点 4
1.3.2主桥结构尺寸 5
1.3.3桥面的铺装 7
1.3.4全桥结构单元的划分 7
1.4全桥施工阶段的划分 7
1.4.1主桥的施工方法 7
1.4.2全桥梁段的划分 8
1.4.3全桥施工工程的划分 8
第2章行车道板计算 9
2.1基本信息 9
2.2桥面板的计算 9
2.3悬臂板的计算 13
2.3.1恒载内力的计算 13
2.3.2活载内力的计算 13
2.3.3内力组合 14
2.4桥面板的配筋 15
2.4.1支点处配筋 15
2.4.2跨中处配筋 15
2.4.3抗剪验算 16
第3章主梁内力计算 17
3.1恒载内力的计算 17
3.2施工阶段内力计算 28
3.3活载内力计算 30
3.4活次内力计算 36
3.4.1温度次内力的计算 36
3.4.2基础变位影响力计算 39
3.4.3预加力产生的次内力计算 46
3.4.4徐变引起的次内力计算 49
3.5主梁作用效应组合 53
3.5.1承载能力极限状态的内力组合 53
3.5.2正常使用极限状态的内力组合 56
第4章配筋计算 61
4.1预应力钢束的估算 61
4.2预应力钢束的布置 66
4.3钢束预应力损失 66
4.3.1预应力钢筋与管道之间的摩擦引起的应力损失 67
4.3.2锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的应力损失 67
4.3.3混凝土弹性压缩引起的应力损失 67
4.3.4钢筋松弛引起的应力损失 68
4.3.5混凝土收缩和徐变引起的应力损失 68
4.4预应力损失计算结果 69
第5章主要截面验算 76
5.1控制截面的选择 76
5.2截面强度验算 76
5.2.1正截面抗弯验算 76
5.2.2斜截面抗剪验算 78
5.3正常使用极限状态截面验算 80
5.3.1使用阶段正截面抗裂验算 80
5.3.2使用阶段斜截面抗裂验算 82
5.3.3挠度验算 83
5.4持久状况和短暂状况构件的应力验算 84
5.4.1使用阶段正截面压应力验算 84
5.4.2使用阶段斜截面主压应力验算 86
5.4.3施工阶段正截面法向应力验算 87
5.4.4受拉区钢筋的拉应力验算 88
第6章局部承压验算 91
6.1局部承压尺寸要求 91
6.2局部抗压承载力计算 92
第7章桥墩墩柱计算 94
7.1荷载计算 94
7.1.1轴向力计算 94
7.1.2弯矩的计算 95
7.2截面配筋计算 95
7.2.1大、小偏心受压的判定 95
7.2.2计算纵向钢筋面积 95
7.3墩柱截面承载力复核 96
第8章钻孔灌注桩计算 98
8.1荷载设计 98
8.2桩长计算 99
8.3桩的内力及位移计算 100
8.3.1宽度的确定 100
8.3.2桩的变形系数的确定 100
8.3.3作用在桩上的外力 101
8.3.4计算最大冲刷下以下桩截面的弯矩及水平应力 101
8.3.5计算桩顶纵向水平位移 102
8.4桩基的配筋计算和桩身材料截面强度的验算 103
8.4.1桩身的最大弯矩及位置 103
8.4.2桩身截面强度的验算 103
总结 107
参考文献 108
致谢 109