来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635458 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635458
摘 要:通过对黄山学院在校学生进行问卷、访问调查,分析了大学生对校体质测试的测试目的理解度、测试满意度、获得结果渠道、学生对自身健康关心度及其体育锻炼情况等几方面的情况。研究结果表明:黄山学院学生对参加校体质健康测试的态度比较消极,学生对体质健康测试的目的不是很明确,学生获得信息结果不全面,一部分学生希望改进测试方法。依据调查分析的结果,本文研究了以网络为平台,构建大学生教务管理网上体质评价系统,更科学、更便捷的体质评价与信息反馈指导学生科学的健身。
Analysis on the Attitude toward the physique Test of Huangshan university
Abstract:Through the questionaire ,interview and investigation of Huangshan university students ,we get an analysis of the understanding ,the ways of getting the results the satisfactory degree on the results ,the careness of their physical condition and the exercise and so on. The result shows us ,the students in Huangshan university hold a positive attitude toward the physical test,and the reason is that there are some problems on the ways of physique test . This artide takes a research about creating a online physique evaluation system.Then it would do good for bady building for those students.
Key Words:students of Huangshan University;the physique test; attitude;investigation; analysis;online physique evaluation system.
