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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635459 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635459

摘  要:本文通过对2008“好运北京”跆拳道国际邀请赛中20场比赛(包含女子49公斤级决赛以及男子+80公斤级铜牌争夺赛)录像资料进行观察统计以及采用文献资料法对横踢技术进行研究。经过对比赛数据的统计和查阅大量文献资料明确统计出横踢技术在比赛进攻和反击中相应的得分、出腿次数和得分率。以比赛录像的统计数据和大量文献揭示了横踢技术作为首要得分技术在比赛中的重要地位和作用,并且找出了其技术的优势和不足之处,并提出相关建议。为今后的训练和比赛明确了方向。
关键词:跆拳道   横踢   技术  应用

Discussing the application of turning kick skill in the Taekwondo competition
Abstract: This paper researched the turning kick skill of Taekwondo through observing and counting 20 competition(The women's 49 kilograms class contains the final and men's +80 kg bronze medal match)videos from 2008 “Lucky Beijing” international Taekwondo invitation game and referring to related documents. The corresponding score, kicking times and scoring ratio of mainly attack and counterattack techniques are clearly counted by comparing competition statistical data and referring to literatures. The statistical data of competition videos and a large number of literatures reveal that turning kick technique has an important role and function as the mainly scoring technique in competition. In addition I will sum the advantages and shortcomings of this technique and provide relative suggestions in order to define a clear direction for further training and competition. 
Key word: Taekwondo;Turning kick;Technique;Application 
