来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635469 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635469
Sports dancing and middle and senior citizens
Taking the sports dancing in Huangshan as an example
Abstract :As the implication of Reform and Open-up policy, the economic development of China has been skyrocketing, with imaginable improvement of people’s living standard and the looming escalation of aging problems. Therefore, the whole society is gradually paying more and more attentions to the physical health and senectitude of senior citizens. Under the program of national setting-up exercise, lives of senior citizens in their late years, by actively taking part in exercises, abound with great joy. Thus a harmonious social environment appears. The sport dancing is a perfect conjunction of sports and arts, functioning exercise, entertainment and communication. As one of the common sports exercises, it always wins the love of middle and senior citizens. It will be essentially benefit to physical and psychological health of the middle and senior citizens, by taking the sports dancing. This essay mainly deals with the current condition of health of middle and senior citizens and the promotion of sports dancing in Huangshan, with the analysis of local gender proportion of middle and senior citizens, the contains of exercise and its institutional condition. This essay also comes up some suggestions to the promotion of sports dancing in the aging group of middle and senior citizens in Huangshan . We get the conclusion that the sports dancing has very positive effect to the physical and psychological health of middle and senior citizens. It will be immense beneficial to promote and encourage the sports dancing.
Keywords:Middle and Senior citizens;Sports Dancing;Current Situation;Huangshan
