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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635454 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635454

关键词:骨感美 女大学生 减肥心理

Gugan in the United States to the aesthetic background Xianv psychology of college students lose weight
  -- A Case Study of Guizhou University of North
Now the campus of the University, Female students everywhere can hear the voices of Houzhe lose weight, Among them are some who do not own body fat of the female st,They almost crazy keen lose weight, Even some of the weight loss is the way ordinary people can not accept. Using case analysis, interviews, Deeper understanding of the Guizhou University of the North Campus of two female students slimming course of the Mind, From their weight loss motivation, weight reduction methods, their eating and their impact on society, To their diet of a psychological, And that some non-rational psychological weight loss, For example, comparisons psychological, sheep mentality and inferiority complex psychological. Through those of the non-rational psychological, to find female college student obsessed with slimming the crux of the problem, And accordingly to solve these problems. They tried to promote the right aesthetics and weight loss methods, To help those who are deeply, "Gu Ganmei" poisoned by the female students out of "Gu Gan," the error, they also a physical and mental health.
Key words: Gugan Mei,Female students ,Psychological weight loss


目   录     12000字
目   录    I
摘要    III
前言    1
一、研究方法和研究对象    2
(一)研究方法    2
(二)    研究对象    2
1.案例一    2
2.案例二    2
二、调查结果    4
(一)两位女大学生所吃食物调查表    4
(二)    女大学生所运用的减肥方法    4
(三)女大学生减肥者的体质情况    5
三、女大学生减肥原因及动机分析    7
(一)女大学生对于美以及自身体态的偏颇认识    7
1、女大学生减肥者对美的认知错误    7
2、女大学生减肥者的爱美心理及对自身体态的偏颇认识    7
(二)女大学生减肥者的非理性心理    8
1、女大学生减肥者的从众心理    8
2、女大学生减肥者的自卑心理    8
3、女大学生减肥者的攀比心理    9
(三)女大学生减肥者取悦异性的心理    10
(四)女大学生减肥者的补偿心理    10
(五)女大学生减肥者为踏入社会做准备    11
四、解决的措施和办法    13
(一)帮助减肥者建立正确的审美观    13
(二)帮助减肥者建立自信,让他们拥有健康的心态。    13
(三)制定科学的减肥食谱,不要盲目节食    14
(四)加强体育锻炼    14
总结    16
参考文献    17
致谢    18
附  录    19
