来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635308 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635308
摘 要:自古希腊时代起隐喻就吸引了众多学者的注意。传统观点仅把隐喻当作一种修辞手段,具有修辞性的本质,并且独立于人类认知系统之外。因此,对隐喻的研究也仅局限于文学作品之中。然而,随着莱考夫和约翰逊认知语言学隐喻理论的提出,隐喻被认作是人类一种基本的思维方式和行为方式,隐喻的研究也开始扩展到多个领域,尤其是出现了对经济新闻语篇中隐喻应用的研究。但是很少有人从整体上对新闻语篇中的隐喻进行对比研究。本文运用现代认知语言学的隐喻理论,对比分析了中英新闻语篇中的概念隐喻。
A Comparative Study of Conceptual Metaphors in English and Chinese News Reporting
Abstract: Metaphor has attracted numerous attentions of scholars since ancient Greece. The traditional view on metaphor regards it as a rhetoric device, decorative in nature and independent of human cognition. So the study of metaphor was restricted in literature works. After Lakoff and Johnson put forward the cognitive theory of metaphor defining metaphor as a basic thinking and behaving manner of human beings, studies of metaphors start to extend to many other fields, especially the use of metaphors in business and economic reports. However, few people have compared metaphors found in English and Chinese news discourse as a whole. This thesis aims to use contemporary conceptual theory to make a comparative study of conceptual metaphors in English and Chinese News Reporting.
Key words: Metaphor; Cognitive theory; Conceptual metaphor