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 [2] Chen.Shen The Teaching of Cultures in Foreign Language Education[J]. Beijing:
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[3] Wolfson, N. Rules of Speaking in J.C. Richards and R.W Schmidt
Language and Communication[M]. London: Longman.2006
  [4] Deng. Yanchang&Liu. Runqing .Language and Culture[M].Beijing:Foreign
Language Teaching and Research Press.2009.
[5] Hinkel, Eli  Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning[M]. Shanghai:
Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2001.
[6] Hu, Wenzhong&Gao, Yihong. Foreign Languages Teaching and Culture[M]
Hunan: Hunan Education Press.2007.
[7] Samovar. Larry A. &Ponerl Richard E. Communication between Cultures[M]
Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 2001.
[8] Kramsch, C.  Language and Culture[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language
Education Press.2001.
[9] Byram. M.&Morgan. C. Et a1. Teaching-and-learning Language—and-culture[M]
Clevedon: Mulfilingual Matters Ltd.2001.
[10] Halliday, M.A.K. Language as Sociat Semiotics:the Social Interpretation of
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[11] Shu, Dingfang . Relation of Language and Culture and Introduction of Culture in
Primary Stage off oreign Language Teaching[M]. Foreign Language World.2006.page11—17.
[12] Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics[M]. Oxford: Basil Blackweil.2008
[13] Kramsch, C. Context and Culture in Language Teaching. [M] Oxford: Oxford.2008
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[14] Robinson. G. L. N. Cross—cultural Understanding[J]. Oxford: Pergamon.2005
[15] Rivers, W. M. Teaching Foreign—Language Skills[J] Chicago:The University of Chicago Press 2008
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[1] Hymes, D. On Communicative Competence[J]. Philadelphia, PA: University of
Pennsylvania Press.1999.
 [2] Chen.Shen The Teaching of Cultures in Foreign Language Education[J]. Beijing:
Beijing  Language and Culture University Press.2000.
[3] Wolfson, N. Rules of Speaking in J.C. Richards and R.W Schmidt
Language and Communication[M]. London: Longman.2006
  [4] Deng. Yanchang&Liu. Runqing .Language and Culture[M].Beijing:Foreign
Language Teaching and Research Press.2009.
[5] Hinkel, Eli  Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning[M]. Shanghai:
Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2001.
[6] Hu, Wenzhong&Gao, Yihong. Foreign Languages Teaching and Culture[M]
Hunan: Hunan Education Press.2007.
[7] Samovar. Larry A. &Ponerl Richard E. Communication between Cultures[M]
Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 2001.
[8] Kramsch, C.  Language and Culture[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language
Education Press.2001.
[9] Byram. M.&Morgan. C. Et a1. Teaching-and-learning Language—and-culture[M]
Clevedon: Mulfilingual Matters Ltd.2001.
[10] Halliday, M.A.K. Language as Sociat Semiotics:the Social Interpretation of
Language and Meaning[M]. Edward Arnold Limited.2001
[11] Shu, Dingfang . Relation of Language and Culture and Introduction of Culture in
Primary Stage off oreign Language Teaching[M]. Foreign Language World.2006.page11—17.
[12] Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics[M]. Oxford: Basil Blackweil.2008
[13] Kramsch, C. Context and Culture in Language Teaching. [M] Oxford: Oxford.2008
University Press.
[14] Robinson. G. L. N. Cross—cultural Understanding[J]. Oxford: Pergamon.2005
[15] Rivers, W. M. Teaching Foreign—Language Skills[J] Chicago:The University of Chicago Press 2008