来源 资料编号:WK1634733 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634733
摘 要:随着时代发展,银行之间的竞争越演越烈,所有银行开始把业务重心从信贷业务开始转向中间业务,并争先恐后朝着服务型银行发展,银行竞争已是一个众人关心的问题,国有商业银行增强核心竞争力的举措显得越来越重要。通过研究国有商业银行的核心竞争力,从而分析出中国建设银行核心竞争力的现状,再从中找到提升中国建设银行的核心竞争力的办法。
China Construction Bank Core Competence
Abstract: With the development of the times, severe competition among banks becoming increasingly , all banks began to business credit business began to shift focus from the middle of the business, and rushed towards the development of service-oriented banking, bank competition is a concern to all state-owned commercial Bank initiatives to enhance the core competitiveness is becoming increasingly important. By studying the core of state-owned commercial banks, competitiveness, to analyze the core competitiveness of China Construction Bank, the status quo, and then find the core of the China Construction Bank to enhance competitiveness of the approach
Keywords: China Construction Bank; core competitiveness; analysis;