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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634757 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634757

摘  要

Survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises of Analysis
At present China has more than 8 million small and medium enterprises, accounting for the 99% of the total number of enterprises, SMES in the country's moderate economic growth and ease employment pressure, promoting technological innovation, to promote the development of the national economy and maintaining social stability, and played an important role. It can be said that without the development of SMEs, it is impossible to reform and the opening up of China's economic development miracle. Thus, the issues of small and medium enterprises in recent years in China’s theoretical and practical departments have also begun to be unprecedented concern, but still is only the beginning of exploration.
Analysis of this paper is a typical characteristics of the enterprises small and medium enterprises to carry out specific surveys and studies, they pointed out the existing problems, and use of survival and development of SMEs in a number of theories related to the interpretation, and the corporate life cycle theory As the basis, SWOT analysis as a means of a real case study and research, and get some inspiration and organise to make some recommendations on the feasibility of small and medium enterprises, and through the actual data to be proved, for some of the Small businesses may provide some help.

Key words: Small and Medium sized enterprises,SWOT Analysis,Business life
           cycle model,Analysis of the Enterprise Management

目  录    13000字
任务书    I
摘  要    II
第1章 企业介绍    1
1.1  企业简介    1
1.2  企业的技术构成    1
1.3  企业的人员构成    1
1.4  企业的生产基础    2
第2章  中小企业相关理论文献综述    3
2.1  中小企业的定义    3
2.2  中小企业在我国经济发展中的地位和作用    4
   2.2.1中小企业是国家经济的重要组成部分    4
   2.2.2中小企业是缓解我国就业压力的主要依靠    4
   2.2.3中小企业是对外贸易的主力军    4
   2.2.4中小企业是大企业发展的重要依托    4
2.3  中小企业的组成及优劣势    5
   2.3.1我国中小企业的组成    5
   2.3.2我国中小型企业的优势    5
   2.3.3我国中小型企业的劣势    6
2.4  理论的解读    6
   2.4.1麦迪思的企业生命周期模型—古典模型    6
   2.4.2综合型激励理论    7
   2.4.3 SWOT分析    8
第3章 企业分析    9
3.1 公司的发展    9
   3.1.1产品及市场    9
   3.1.2公司的战略及其提议    11
3.2  公司组织和管理    14
   3.2.1 基本政策    14
   3.2.2管理结构    14
   3.2.3管理问题    14
3.3  人事管理    15
   3.3.1人事任用原则    15
   3.3.2人事管理的问题    15
结   束   语    18
参考文献    19
致 谢    20
