来源 资料编号:WK1634769 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634769
Enterprises competition is talented persons competition. As a project design and service enterprise, how effectively control the labor turnover peoblem in the company,is enterprises important topic. HY is a professional design corporation engaged in planning,construction,landscaping works design and consultancy,the staff mostly are the designers.In the recent years,the dimission rate of the designers stay sat a high level,and the distemperedness of enterprises employing mechanism,which has brought many adverse effects for enterprises development. This article mainly aims at the question of the labor turnover and into enterprises practise,through the human resources correlation theories and conducting the concrete real diagnosis research by questionnaire survey to the existence problem and propose improvement measures.
This article mainly constitutes by three aspects. At first,review the related theoretical foundation. Then,aim at the status quo of the labor turnover problem in HY company by further analysis and research.Last,provides the suggestions and countermeasures for the building of a talents attracted system in HY company,and the most important thing is improving the salary welfare system and achievements inspection target,which is the key point of the question.
The conclusion of the article researched is direct,and it is easy to carry out with actual application value.
Key Words: labor turnover,payment design,performance assessment
目录 20000字
中文摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义和目的 1
1.3 研究内容、方法与创新 1
1.3.1 主要内容 1
1.3.2 研究方法 2
2 文献综述与相关理论基础 3
2.1 离职的概念 3
2.2 员工离职对企业产生的负面影响 3
2.2.1企业人才资源成本的损失 3
2.2.2降低岗位的工作效率 4
2.2.3挫伤企业员工队伍的士气 4
2.2.4员工离职的其他消极影响 4
2.3 离职有关理论综述 4
2.3.1 马奇和西蒙模型 4
2.3.2 Price-Mueller(2000)模型 6
3 HY公司员工离职现状分析 9
3.1 HY公司的背景介绍 9
3.2 HY公司员工基本情况 9
3.3 HY公司员工离职现状 10
3.3.1 离职员工人数统计 10
3.3.2 离职员工年龄结构统计 10
3.3.3 离职员工工龄结构统计 11
3.3.4 离职员工职位结构统计 12
4 HY公司员工离职原因分析 14
4.1 HY公司员工离职原因分析 14
4.1.1 年龄和工龄因素 14
4.1.2 薪酬福利与分配制度因素 14
4.1.3 绩效考核制度因素 15
4.1.4 发展空间因素 16
4.2 HY公司员工离职背景分析 16
4.2.1 社会因素 16
4.2.2 员工离职的客观因素 16
4.2.3 员工离职的主观因素 17
5 HY公司员工离职问题的解决对策和建议 18
5.1 正确看待员工离职问题,保持合理的员工离职率 18
5.2 增强企业凝聚力 19
5.3 完善员工职业生涯发展制度 19
5.4 完善激励机制 20
5.4.1 完善薪酬结构,使薪酬发挥杠杆作用 21
5.4.2 进行工作分析,建立以绩效为中心的管理体系 22
5.5 完善人力资源的开发与培训制度 22
5.6 完善离职管理制度 23
5.7 员工离职管理 24
5.8 职能部门及主管领导管理理念转变 24
6 结论 26
结束语 27
参考文献 28 |