来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634771 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634771
摘 要:本文从消费者角度探讨企业社会责任的必要性,通过对消费者进行问卷调查的方式,站在消费者视角去分析得出企业所缺乏的社会责任感。目前企业社会责任原因大部分是企业经营的素质不高、缺乏良好的社会诚信环境、国家相关部门监管力度不够等。本文从消费者角度分析我国企业社会责任缺失的原因所在,进一步分析企业应该从何种角度去发展企业社会责任,提出我国企业应如何履行社会责任,以及增强我国企业社会责任的有效途径和方法。
Consumer perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility and Reflection Survey
Abstract: This article mainly discusses the necessity of the corporate social responsibility from the consumer's angle, by the way of Questionnaire survey and analysis by standing consumer’s point drew a conclusion that all this resulted from the weak sense of social responsibilties of enterprises. At present, the reasons why they are lack of this responsibilites is from the poor of management quality, the lack of the social credit enviroment, and insufficient supervision of national related departments. We analyse the reason why they lack of the coporate social responsibilty in our country in the view of consumers, thus further analyse how the enterprises will improve the sense of the coporate social responsibilty by which way and from which angle, and puts forward how the enterprises fulfil this reponsibilty, and how they strengthen the efficient ways and methods of our county enterprises’ social responsiblity.
Key words: consumers; corporate social responsibilty; the operator of enterprises; economy