来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634776 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634776
摘 要;熟食制品在我国已经有相当久远的历史,在人们的生活中占有比较高的地位。湖南是熟食的生产大省,在本省的食品行业中占有比较重要的地位,而湖南熟食产品的市场竞争也逐渐从鱼龙混杂的无序状态,走向注重品牌、注重质量和新市场开发的正常发展阶段。但是,湖南熟食也存在着较为明显的问题,如新产品的开发不力、产品同质化程度太高、原材料选用和风味均比较单一等等。对这些问题予以分析并提出相应对策,以促进湖南的熟食行业持续和蓬勃的发展。
关键词;熟食 现状 发展趋势
Status and development trend of cooked food products in Hunan Province
Abstract; Cooked food products in China has a very long history, in people's lives hold a higher position. Hunan province is the production of cooked food, the food industry in the province plays a more important position, and Hunan cooked food product market competition is gradually disorder from quite a mixed bag, to pay attention to the brand, focusing on quality and new market development stage of normal development . However, there are cooked in Hunan obvious problems such as inadequate development of new products, product homogeneity is high, raw material selection and style, and so are relatively simple. This paper to analyze these issues and put forward countermeasures to promote the sustained and Hunan cooked food industry flourish.
Key words; Cooked food, Status, Trends