来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634779 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634779
摘 要:小企业的健康发展对整个国家经济和社会发展都具有重要意义,近年来我国逐渐重视小企业发展问题并进行了大量理论研究和实践探索,小企业发展与创新已成为经济理论领域中的热点、难点问题。文章首先介绍了我国小企业的概念和发展现状、存在的作用和意义,分析了我国中小企业目前面临的困境,以及金融危机对我国小企业有利和不利影响,从总体上把握小企业目前的生存环境和发展机遇。最后,探讨了中小企业发展战略实现的模式,主要从产权制度模式,价值创造模式,产业集群模式来进行分析。
The Development Of Small Businesses Mode
Abstract:The healthy development of small businesses for the country's economic and social development has important significance in China in recent years, the development of small businesses has gradually and lots of theoretical research and practical exploration, development and innovation has become a hotspot in the field of economic theory, the difficult problem. This paper firstly introduces the concept of Chinese small and development present situation, the existence of the function and significance of small and medium-sized enterprises in China are analyzed, and the dilemma facing the current financial crisis in China, the small advantage and disadvantage influence from the overall grasp now living environment and small business opportunities. Finally, this paper discusses the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the main mode of strategic realization from the property rights system model, value creation pattern, the industrial cluster model for analysis.
Key word: Small Business;Development situation;Development mode