来源 资料编号:WK1634800 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634800
摘 要:随着英语学习风气的日益高涨,为了适应商业活动日趋国际化的趋势,社会中的企业应积极的帮助在职员工在业余时间提高其英语水平,并在学习过程中根据企业目标岗位需求和英语学习的现状来综合考虑,学习的目标应该以市场需求、技术应用、形成综合英语商务操作能力及获得职业资格证书为目标;学习内容应体现语言应用技能与商务实践能力。本研究内容包含了企业员工学习英语的动机,他们在学习过程中存在的问题和这些问题的解决建议等,涵盖了国内外对企业人员语言培训的研究情况,并对企业员工培训过程中存在的一些问题提出对策。
Abstract:So, with the growing trend of English learning, social service personnel should have in their spare time to improve their English. The service includes the motivation to learn English; the problems and recommend solutions to these problems during their learning progress. With the growing trend of English learning, social service personnel should have in vote their spare time to improve their level of English and the learning process should be based on job requirements and business goals of the status quo in English into account, learning objectives should be adjust to the market demand , technology, form a comprehensive business operation ability in English and access to vocational qualification certificate as the goal.Therefore, language training practices for effective development of research programs is a far-reaching. This research package covers the language training business people at home and abroad on research, serving the motivation to learn English, their learning problems and suggestions to solve the problem and practice-oriented strategy of training courses for staff.
Key words:staff training;enterprise employee;teaching method