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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634814 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634814

摘 要:我国矿产资源丰富, 我国已探明储量的金属矿产有54种,并广泛分布于全国各地, 铁矿:全国已探明的铁矿区有1834处, 锰矿:全国已探明的锰矿区共有213处,铬铁矿:有56处产地。 我国是一个矿产资源丰富的国家,矿山企业发展有着天然的资源优势,但近年来,在发展中出现了一些不容忽视的问题,存在着企业竞争力偏弱,企业税费负担过重,资源危机等诸多问题。本论文通过分析矿山企业发展的现状和存在的问题,从政府和企业的角度提出了我国矿山企业发展应当采取的对策。


Problems in the development of mining enterprises and Countermeasures
Abstract: China's rich mineral resources, China has proven reserves of metal ores 54 species, and widely distributed throughout the country, iron ore: the country has proven iron ore district has 1834, manganese ore: Manganese country's total proven 213, chromite: There are 56 producing ... ... China is a country rich in mineral resources, mining companies have a natural resources development, but in recent years, there have been some development problems can not be ignored, there is competitive Weak force, corporate tax burden is too heavy, resource crisis, and many other issues. This paper analyzes the status of the development of mining enterprises and problems, from the angle of government and business development of mining enterprises in China should take countermeasures.
Key words: Mineral; mining enterprise; enterprise development strategies; Strategy
