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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638184 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638184

摘    要

【关键词】业务外包  软件产业  软件外包

Software outsourcing has become an important means for the developed software companies to reduce costs. China has many software outsourcing companies getting in this field at present, however, it still exists considerable gap between China and other outsourcing powers. Faced with the rapid growth of global software and services outsourcing, how to seize the opportunity and take effective measures to promote China's software and services outsourcing has become an important and urgent task we are facing.
This article begins from the background of outsourcing, analyzes the current development and reasons and the existing problems of China's IT outsourcing, takes Haier software outsourcing as an example, proposes some proposals to the development of China's software outsourcing services. With the prevalence of outsourcing all over the world, it will bring new opportunities for China's software industry. China enterprises should holds the opportunity to develop the IT outsourcing business vigorously.

【Key Words】Outsourcing; Software industry; Software outsourcing

目   录
前言    2
1  综述    3
1.1 业务外包的产生及背景    3
1.2 企业业务外包内涵及成因分析    3
2.1.3 R&D业务外包    8
2.2  企业外包应注意的问题    9
2.2.1 明确自己的核心优势,确定业务外包范围    9
2.2.2 评估企业需求,明确业务外包的目标    9
2.2.3 选择合适的生产或服务提供商    9
2.2.4 业务外包中高效的信息交流和沟通    10
2.2.5 建立良好的合约管理    10
2.2.6 正确处理好风险和利益的分配    11
3  结束语    11
参考文献    12
致   谢    13
