来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1634893 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634893
摘 要:湖南拥有众多茶叶生产、销售企业,整个行业呈现出一片繁华之势。随着全球经济的复苏,湖南更是掀起了一股“黑茶热”,众多企业开始瞄准这座绿色“黑金矿”发展黑茶产业。然而在这样的大繁荣之下却未形成能驰骋于全国市场的湘茶品牌,为了促进湖南茶叶健康,持续的发展,形成高品质,好品牌的湖南茶叶,本文以安化黑茶为例对湖南茶叶的发展作调查分析,提出湖南茶叶的营销发展对策。
The Situation Analysis and Measures of Hunan Tea Marketing Development
——Taking Black Tea of Anhua as An Example
Abstract: Hunan has a large number of tea production and sales enterprise, the industry shows a lively trend. With the global economic recovery, Hunan Province is giving rise to the black tea, many enterprises began to develop black tea industry.But in such a prosperous, Hunan tea has not yet formed a famous brand in the market. To promoting the harmonious health and sustainious development of teachers and Hunan tea, an example of black tea on the development of Hunan to investigate analysis.This article as an example of Anhua black tea to make an analysis, propose a solution.
Key words:Hunan tea;marketing; black tea ;development strategies;brand;