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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634907 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634907

摘  要:21世纪是互联网的时代,网络社区是互联网兴起后网络应用的一个强大功能,即它为网民们提供了一个归属:具有相同或类似兴趣、爱好或相关行业、业务的网民聚集其中,并很大一部分都是以帖子的形式进行沟通、交流以及信息的共享和汇集。但是就在网络社区在带给人们愉悦的同时,也出现了一些问题:虚假信息传播速度加快和影响范围更广、利用高科技术盗取信用卡密码、骗取网友钱财、利用网络威胁他人生命安全等犯罪行为。这些不法行为都给网络社区蒙上阴影,甚至有人把网络社区当做乌合之众的聚集地。人们不敢相信网络社区,也就无法形成稳定的群体,“社区”也是涂有虚名。而社区帖子的信任度更加是让人望而却步。在bbs论坛上,我们经常可以看到一些时事内幕、惊世冤情、滔天血案等等的事情。再看看那些“新闻”提供者的名字,网络bbs上的新闻可信性就让人望而却步了。

Online Community Trust Up Grading Strategy Post
Abstract: The 21st century is the era of the Internet, the rise of online community is the Internet a powerful network application function,That it provided for the Internet users have a vested: With the same or similar interests, hobbies or related fields, including business users together, And a large part are based on the form of post communication, exchange and information sharing and collection. However, in the network community to bring people joy in the same time, there were also some problems: dissemination of false information faster and broader impact of the use of high technology skill to steal credit card numbers, defraud users of money, use of network security threats to people's lives of crime behavior. These illegal acts have given the network cast a shadow over the community, and even some of the network community as the gathering mob. People could not believe the network community, will not be able to form a stable group, the "community" is also coated with a catchy title. The more trust in the community posts are to be prohibitive. In bbs forum, we can often see some current affairs Insider, stunning grievances, heinous murder, etc. thing. Look at those "news" provider name, the network's news credibility bbs would be prohibitive up.
Key words: Online community; post; trust
