来源 资料编号:WK16316162 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316162
摘 要
本文是针对CA6140机床中托板零件进行的加工工艺分析和专用夹具的设计 ,主要的设计内容包含了:1.对零件图的分析2.毛坯类型确定3.工艺制造中机床对CA6140机床中托板的夹紧定位4.CA6140机床中托板的工装选用(通用和专用)5.选择合适的刀具6.切削用量的计算7.零件在加工过程中的优化。其核心内容是选择合理的机械加工方式,以及安排可靠实施性强的工艺流程。
工艺生产中机床夹具的类别繁多,我们尽量采用比较通用的工装类型,这样的工装类型尺寸更规范,在实际生产中更容易获得,成本低效率高,并广泛应用于大批量的生产。对于一些特殊的加工步骤,我们设计专用夹具来为工件加工过程提供服务,需要根据各厂家设备的不同和工艺性的不同来设计制造。夹结合本文设计任务书,我们设计两套气动的专用夹具 。
The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1. The analysis of the part drawing 2. The determination of the blank type 3. The clamping and positioning of the machine tool to the static plate in the process manufacturing 4. The selection of the tool (general and special) 5. The selection of the suitable tool 6. The calculation of the cutting parameters 7. The optimization of the part in the process of processing. Its core content is to choose a reasonable machining method and arrange a reliable and practical technological process.
There are many kinds of machine tools and fixtures in process production. We try our best to use a more general type of tooling, which is more standard in size, easier to obtain in actual production, high cost efficiency, and widely used in mass production. For some special processing steps, we design special clamps to provide services for the workpiece processing process, which need to be designed and manufactured according to the different equipment and process of each manufacturer. In combination with this design specification, we design two sets of special pneumatic clamps.
Key words: process; cutting amount; cutting tool; special fixture
2 CA6140机床中托板的机械加工工艺规程设计
2.1.2 零件的工艺分析
(1)以底面为主要加工表面的加工面。这一组加工表面包括:底面的铣削加工;其中底面有表面粗糙度要求为 ,

目 录
1 绪论 5
1.1本设计的内容及意义 5
1.2课题背景 7
2 CA6140机床中托板的机械加工工艺规程设计 8
2.1.零件的工艺分析及生产类型的确定 8
2.1.1零件的作用 8
2.1.2 零件的工艺分析 8
2.1.3 确定零件的生产类型 9
2.2 选择毛坯种类 10
2.2.3 确定毛坯尺寸 11
2.3 选择加工方法,制定工艺路线 12
2.3.1 定位基准的选择 12
2.3.2加工阶段的划分 13
2.3.3工序的集中与分散 13
2.3.4操作顺序的安排 13
2.3.5 确定工艺路线 14
2.3.6加工设备及夹具的选择 15
2.3.7主要工序切削用量以及基本时间定额的确定 15
3 铣面夹具的设计 22
3.1 确定夹具的结构方案 22
3.2切削力和夹紧力的计算 23
总 结 25
参 考 文 献 26
致 谢 28