Enable producing the target in process of production (raw materials, the blank , state of quality and quantity on part become always ) take place direct course of change ask craft course, if the blank is made, machining, heat treatment , assemble etc. and call it the craft course. In the course of making the craft , is it confirm every erector location and worker step that process need this of process to want, the locomotive of processing , this process , and the entering the giving amount of the lathe, cut depth , the rotational speed of the main shaft and speed of cutting, the jig of this process, the cutter and measuring tool, a one hundred sheets of number of times still leaves and a one hundred sheets of length leaves, calculate basic time of this process , auxiliary time and service time of place of working finally.Because the processing batch to be very big, in the design has referred to many mature structures, this design structure is simple, the ease of operation, has used the massive standard components, reduced this working procedure non-cutting time greatly, in the certain extent raised the labor productivity, reduced worker's labor intensity.
Keyword: The process, worker one, worker's step , the surplus of processing, orient the scheme , clamp strength, Unit clamp .
2.1 箱体零件的工艺分析
2.1.1 要加工孔的孔轴配合度为H7,表面粗糙度为Ra小于1.6um,圆度为0.0175mm,垂直度为0.08mm,同轴度为0.02mm。
2.1.3 盖体上平面表面粗糙度为Ra小于12.5um,端面表面粗糙度为Ra小于3.2um,机盖机体的结合面的表面粗糙度为Ra小于3.2um,结合处的缝隙不大于0.05mm,机体的端面表面粗糙度为Ra小于12.5um。
2.2 零件的材料
2.3 箱体零件的结构工艺性
2.1.1 本箱体加工的基本孔可分为通孔和阶梯孔两类,其中通孔加工工艺性最好,阶梯孔相对较差。
2.1.2 为了减少加工中的换刀次数,箱体上的螺纹孔的尺寸规格应保持一致,本箱体分别为M12mm深16mm的孔。
2.1.3 先加工前后左右端面,再加工蜗杆面和蜗轮面
