关键字: 廻转盘 工艺工装 加工 夹具
The Design Of Hui Rotary Processing And Tooling Procedures
Abstract: This design is a point of order hui rotary tooling design process, We must first understand the machining process is to use the method by cutting to change the shape, size, and physical and mechanical properties of the material of rough into the parts with a required accuracy and roughness. In order to detail the process, make the work piece in accordance with the technical requirements of parts processing, We need to develop a complex machining procedures as the guiding technical document production. Study and research the meaning and effect of this order of to development machining processes the purpose of this research project. During the process of Graduation Design, we will learn more knowledge.
We must understand the parts of the structure carefully and according to the process to analyze the figure of Parts carefully, Develop our ability to independently identify map and enhance our knowledge and understanding of Parts. Through the mapping of parts that can enhance our capabilities and the use of AutoCAD drawing software.
Developed process of order, determine the allowances and the calculation of process dimensions, this is also very important in the entire design process. Through these designs, not only allows us to understand the machining process and determine the size more comprehensive, but also let us to know that the route of process and the determine of allowance must be adapted to the actual machine in factory.
The design of the fixture: We need to know the role of the fixture, Then according to the positioning, the clamping, tool and other areas to the overall design, This is the review of knowledge previously learned, but also a foreshadowing for future work.
Keywords: Hui rotary Technology and equipment Processing Fixture
(一) 计算程设计生产纲领决定生产类型
1、 铸件需经消除内应力处理;
2、 加工部分的棱角倒钝;
3、 本铸件精度等级为JB2580-79一级;
4、 未注明加工尺寸公差IT14;
5、 未注明形位公差C级;
6、 未说明铸造同角为R5-R20;
7、 注明拔模斜角为1:100;
8、 所有倒角 ;
9、 鼓轮座两端 80H9与轴承盖同时加工;
10、 面允许留黑疤;
11、 5-M24及3- 16,1:50锥孔在滚珠座范围内的孔钻通后,须用K1412.2-28堵片焊堵,焊缝不得高出铁皮表面,R20圆角处焊堵片必须紧贴圆弧面。
