1. 总结分析了国内超声电机技术的现状、发展及所存在的问题;
2. 阐释了旋转行波超声电机的运动机理;
3. 利用ANSYS软件建立了超声电机定子的数学模型,利用模型对定子的工作模态进行分析并计算,确定了 60mm直径超声电机的定子的工作模态;
4. 完成了 60mm直径超声电机的装配图和零件图的设计;
5. 编制了定子的机加工工艺。
关键词:超声电机 模态分析 设计
The design of 60mm diameter plate type Rotary Ultrasonic Motor actuated by traveling flexural waves And Technology
Abstract: Ultrasonic Motor uses the effect of Piezoelectric from Piezoelectric ceramic, and it produce the effect of resonance excitation by the Active Materials. That the electrical energy transform to the micro-deformations. To propel the rotor and the drive shaft connected to it though the amplification of the micro-deformation of the active material that depends on friction at the interface between rotor and stator.The Ultrasonic Motor offer light mass, simply constructions, high torque density at low speed, low noise, efficient and actuate directly to the load. Ultrasonic motor in the aviation and aerospace, precision instruments, bio-medicine and a number of important areas has broad application prospects.
Projects adapted to the needs of the ultrasonic motor, In this paper, the design a 60mm diameter rotary traveling wave type ultrasonic motor, the main completed the following work:
1. Summary analysis of the domestic status of ultrasonic motor technology, development and the problems;
2. To explain the rotary traveling wave ultrasonic motor of the movement mechanism;
3. The use of ANSYS software, the establishment of a ultrasonic motor mathematical model, using the model of the work of the stator modal analysis and calculation to determine a 60mm diameter stator ultrasonic motor mode of work;
4. Completed a 60mm diameter ultrasonic motor assembly drawings and parts of the design plan;
5. Preparation of the stator of the machine process.
Key word: Ultrasonic Motor Modal Analysis Design
旋转行波超声电机(Traveling wave type Rotary Ultrasonic Motor,缩写为TRUM)作为超声电机一种重要的形式,同时也是当前应用最为广泛的超声电机。故名思意,旋转行波超声电机是产生行波,从而驱动电机转子做旋转运动。行波的产生过程如图2.1所示,由图可知,定子的端面上粘贴有布置适当的A、B两组压电陶瓷片。行波过程具体为:在A、B两组压电陶瓷分别施加两相相差为90º的同频率、等幅值的交变激励电压信号,由于压电陶瓷的逆压电效应,则会在定子上激励出两个在时间上和空间上分别相差90º的同频率,等幅值的驻波弯曲振动,两驻波在定子中进行线性叠加后,便形成了所谓的弯曲行波。当行波形成之后,则会使处于定子表面的质点做椭圆运动,即定子表面质点的轨迹为椭圆。再根据定子与转子(动子)之间的耦合摩擦作用将定子表面质点的椭圆运动转化为动子(转子)的往复运动(旋转运动)。
(1)定子外径为60mm,工作振动模态为B09,模态频率在 kHz之间;
(2)额定转矩 0.5 Nm,堵转力矩 0.8 Nm,最大输出功率 3W;
(3)额定转速50 r/min,转速范围10~100 r/min;
(4)质量m 300g,外观尺寸l×b×h≤70mm×70mm×30mm;
(5)工作温度T ,适应环境温度为-25 oC~55 oC;
(6)启、停响应时间ts ;
(7)工作电压为130 Vrms。
