关键词: 移动吊车;伸缩臂;结构;有限元
The Optimization design of automobile crane
Abstract:The design of the transmission gear box box than the island's design, including the identification of parts for the processing technology, the design should first understand the workpiece intheprocessing line and calculation process to determine the tapping spindle diameter, motion model and the initial machine selection part. Three figure (process map parts to be machined, the processing schematic drawing, the machine contact size map, machine productivity calculation card). Multi axle box design, established the transmission components coordinate calculation of shaft drive system, and check the total spindlebox
This paper is basis on the secirty modset, design of the drilling, tapping combination two one, reduce machining cost, save time, improve production efficiency.
Key words:Machine manufacture;Crankshaft;Processing craft;Fixture;

目 录
绪论 1
1. 课题的来源及研究的目的和意义 1
2. 国内移动吊车的发展概况和发展趋势 5
2.1 国内移动吊车的发展概况 5
2.2 国外移动吊车的发展概况 5
2.3 Solidworks设计基础 4
2.3.1 草图绘制 5
2.3.2 基准特征,参考几何体的创建 6
2.3.3 拉伸、旋转、扫描和放样特征建 7
2.3.4 工程图的设计 10
2.3.5 装配设计 11
3. 主臂伸缩机构的设计计算 13
3.1 臂架伸缩机构驱动形式与传动的驱动形式的比较与优化 14
3.1.1 伸缩臂截面形状的比较与优化 16
3.1.2 伸缩臂材料性能方面的比较与优化 17
3.2 臂架伸缩机构的驱动形式 19
3.3 臂架伸缩液压缸的计算及选择 21
3.3.1 负载图与速度图的确定 21
4. 零部件的选择 22
4.1 钢丝绳的计算和选择 23
4.2 滑轮及滑轮组的选择 24
5. 主臂的三维建模及装配 25
5.1 基本臂的总装配 25
5.2 主臂建模总装配 25
5.3 移动吊车的三维建模 26
6. 移动吊车伸缩臂中关键零件的有限元应力、应变分析 26
6.1 基本臂的有限元分析 27
7. 结论 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30