来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16311122 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311122
摘 要
关键词:双齿辊破碎机; 齿辊; 破碎机 ;单级减速器;带传动
This design introduces a pair of teeth roll crusher history, composition and working principle of the coal industry and coal industry, based on industry background, understanding of the modern double-toothed roll crusher in coal industry, primarily in the technology application problems and shortcomings based on these problems and deficiencies of this proceeding designed to double teeth roll crusher.
The design of the first set design, with belt drive plus two main gear reducer, as a simple drive system, which ensures the stability of transmission, while the broken tooth roller also made improvements in the broken plate installation of the crushing cone, so broken better, will not produce the phenomenon of excessive dust, followed by installation of a concession equipment, concession equipment and gear by the spring bridge institutions, so that compensation can be a good chunk material into the crushing box displacement generated when Roll.
Key words: Double teeth roll crusher; Roll; Crusher
破碎物料为煤,其真空密度ρ=(1.8~2.4)×10 ³kg/m ³

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1开题背景 1
1.2齿辊式破碎机的发展 1
1.2.1国内齿辊破碎机的发展 1
1.2.2国外的齿辊式破碎机 4
1.3双齿辊破碎机的工作原理及使用中的问题及改进 4
1.3.1工作原理 4
1.3.2双齿辊破碎机存在的问题 4
1.3.3改进措施 5
1.3.4本设计的主要内容 5
2 总体设计 6
2.1方案设计 6
2.2工作参数的确定 7
2.2.1破碎机的技术参数 7
2.2.2其他参数计算 7
2.3传动和减速系统的确定 9
2.3.1总传动比及传动比分配 9
2.3.2传动装置的运动参数的计算 10
3 传动系统设计计算 10
3.1 带传动设计计算 10
3.2减速器设计 12
3.2.1齿轮传动设计 12
3.2.2轴结构设计 14
3.2.3轴承校核 18
3.2.4键的选择与校核 20
3.2.3减速器铸造箱体的主要结构尺寸设计 20
3.3同步齿轮设计 21
3.4破碎齿辊箱设计 24
3.4.1齿辊的结构的设计即破碎齿盘设计 24
3.4.2齿辊切向力计算 26
3.4.3齿辊轴设计 27
3.5调整与保险装置 29
结论 30
参考文献 31
翻译部分 32
英文原文 32
中文译文 38
致 谢 43