摘 要
With development of all kind of science technology and global economy, Pneumatic manipulator is a automated devices that can mimic the human hand and arm movements to do something,aslo can according to a fixed procedure to moving objects or control tools. It can replace the heavy labor in order to achieve the production mechanization and automation, and can work in dangerous working environments to protect the personal safety.
Therefore widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy sectors.The pneumatic part of the design is primarily to choose the right valves and design a reasonable pneumatic control loop, by controlling and regulating pressure, flow atcompressedneceengththdirectionprocedurework.
The inverted pendulum is a typical high order system, with multi variable, non-linear, strong-coupling, fleet and absolutely instable. It is representative as an ideal model to prove new control theory and techniques. During the control process, pendulum can effectively reflect many key problems such as equanimity, robust, follow-up and track, therefore.This paper studies a control method of double inverted pendulum . First of all, the mathematical model of the double inverted pendulum is established, then make a control design to double inverted pendulum on the mathematical model, and determine the system performance index weightmatrix , by using genetic algorithm in order to attain the system state feedback control matrix. Finally, the simulation of the system is made by .
Key word: pneumatic manipulator cylinder pneumatic loop Fout degrees of freedom.

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 1
1.1 课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 吸尘器的发展现状 2
1.3 本课题研究的内容 4
1.4 Solidworks设计基础 6
1.4.1 草图绘制 9
1.4.2 基准特征,参考几何体的创建 10
1.4.3 拉伸、旋转、扫描和放样特征建 11
1.4.4 工程图的设计 12
1.4.5 装配设计 14
2 吸尘器总体结构的设计 15
2.1 吸尘器的净化方式 16
2.2 确定过滤速度 17
2.3 确定过滤面积 18
2.4估算除尘器的除尘效率、压力损失,确定过滤和清灰周期 19
2.5除尘工艺设计计算 19
3 吸尘器中主要零件的三维建模 20
3.1地板刷的三维建模 21
3.2连接头的三维建模 22
3.3筒体的三维建模 23
3.4 吸尘器的三维建模 24
4 三维软件设计总结 25
结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28