摘 要
关键字 采煤机滚筒;结构;组成;结论
The design of shearer drum
The shearer is a medium-low power electric haulage shearers mining medium-thick seam, for coal seam thickness , mining height ,coal bed pitch less than it, it can be used for hard coal mining.
This paper completed the design of shearer rocker arm, including the layout and three-dimensional modeling of speed reducer, it described the current status of domestic and international coal mining research and future development trends, the type of shearer, working principles and main components,it also introduced the specific structure of shearer rocker.
In the design process, completed the calculation and design of the reducer drive scheme and related components. First, completed the rocker reducer transmission ratio , speed and transfer power distribution calculation. Secondly, the completion of the design and check of five shafts and the shaft driving gears inside the rocker arm shell,simply introduced the assembly relationships and intensity checking of the planetary gear train. Thirdly, the completion of the selection and check the spline for connection. Finally, the three-dimensional modeling.
Key words: pneumatic manipulator; cylinder ;pneumatic loop ;degrees

目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1.绪论 4
1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 5
1.2采煤机概述 7
1.3滚筒采煤机的工作原理 7
1.4设计思路的提出 9
1.5本课题研究的内容 9
1.6 Solidworks设计基础 10
1.6.1草图绘制 11
1.6.2基准特征,参考几何体的创建 12
1.6.3拉伸、旋转、扫描和放样特征建 12
1.6.4工程图的设计 13
1.6.5装配设计 15
2.采煤机滚筒总体结构的设计 17
2.1采煤机滚筒的总体方案图 17
2.2采煤机滚筒的工作原理 18
2.3截齿的配置 18
2.4截齿的材料以及截齿的固定 19
2.5采煤机年产量的计算 19
3.各主要零部件强度的校核 19
3.1轮毂强度的校核与计算 20
3.2螺栓强度的校核计算 21
4.采煤机滚筒主要零件的三维建模 21
4.1轮毂的三维建模 21
4.2连接套的三维建模 21
4.3采煤机滚筒的三维建模 21
5.三维软件设计总结 26
结论 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30 |