The design of multifunctional cutting machine
Vegetables are a kind of food that the human body needs, and it is a variety of methods. So to the processing of vegetables into a variety of shapes, such as bars, sheets, etc.a manual to complete the process is time-consuming, laborious and not good processing. At present, machine for large expensive equipment, does not apply to individual farmers production and small factories in the food processing; in order to overcome the disadvantages, this design in access to a large number of relevant references based on, shredder machine design, through theoretical calculation and checking, design a small multifunctional cutting machine. The machine is mainly composed of a feed hopper, the hopper, cutting knife, cutter and the motor composition and its working principle is the free fall of the root vegetables can feed, through the cutting knife rotating the hopper in the vegetable slicing and shredding and finally finished by the material discharging mouth.
Realize the continuous feeding and discharging, film thickness, wire thickness adjustable function, with high productivity, low power consumption, safe and reliable, good processing quality, etc..In the design, driving roller type conveyer manufacture and application, at present our country compared with foreign advanced level there are still large gaps, domestic in the design and manufacture of driving .This design is the optimization design of driving roller conveyor.
Keywords:Driving roller ;Crankshaft;Processing craft
2.1 整体方案图
2.2 工作原理
该多功能切菜机的工作原理为通过人工将蔬菜放在输送带上面,然后蔬菜随着输送带的移动而移动,当到达切刀的位置后,切刀开始动作,由电机驱动V带传动机构带动切刀组件下降 ,从而实现蔬菜或者萝卜等等蔬菜类的切断,然后切断的蔬菜继续随着输送带移动到左端部,由去菜屑机构把多余的菜屑清除干净。

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
1.1 课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 多功能切菜机的发展现状 2
1.3 本课题研究的内容 5
2多功能切菜机总体结构的设计 7
2.1 多功能切菜机的总体方案图的确定 8
2.2 多动能切菜机的工作原理 9
2.3 机械传动部分的设计计算 11
2.3.1 V带传动的设计计算 13
2.3.2 传动轴的设计计算 15
2.3.3 直线轴承的设计计算 17
3多功能切菜机中主要零件的三维建模 19
3.1切刀的三维建模 21
3.2 电机的三维建模 22
3.3飞轮盘的三维建模 23
3.4多功能切菜机的三维建模 24
结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27