关键字:升降台;剪叉式 ;液压
Along with the development of the automobile industry, the automobile repair of our country has been developed greatly, service car maintenance equipment has become a new enterprise in our country.. Various hydraulic machines such as endless, continuous production line, quality continues to increase, the output volume has been tired. This design uses the hydraulic lift table of scissors. Mobile elevating work platform requirements: general by the four wheels composition to ensure the stability of the lifting platform, two-phase and three-phase power control can be achieved, if customers have special requirements, we can for a diesel engine as power control. The working principle of the mobile platform: hydraulic oil by the vane pump to form a certain pressure, the oil filter, flameproof type solenoid valve, throttle valve, liquid control one-way valve, balance valve in hydraulic cylinder is arranged at the lower end of the, the liquid cylinder piston upward movement, lifting a heavy object, the hydraulic cylinder is arranged at the upper end of the oil return the flameproof type electromagnetic reversing valve back to tank, the rated pressure through the relief valve adjustment, through the pressure surface observation of pressure gauge reading.In the case of the hydraulic system of the lift, the failure of the electrical system (including the failure of the control system) of the hydraulic system is suddenly forced to stop.. In the case of the normal operation of the lift, the sudden failure of the power outage can occur when the abnormal stop of the power is stopped.. Hydraulic lift cylinder and is connected with the pipeline of the whole security system for the main role therefore in design of hydraulic line as far as possible using a hard tube, and ensure the hose piping requirements, reduce pipeline rupture and leakage caused by elevator hydraulic system failure probability.
Key words: lift table; shear fork type; hydraulic

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 举升机的发展简史 1
1.2 汽车举升机的设计特点 1
1.3 汽车举升机的安全保证措施 1
1.3.1 设计制造方面的安全保证措施 1
1.3.2 使用维护方面的安全保证措施 2
第二章剪叉式升降台的应用及其受力分析的讨论 3
2.1剪叉式升降平台的三种结构形式 3
2.2 双铰接剪叉式升降平台机构的位置参数计算 3
2.3 双铰接剪叉式升降平台机构的动力参数计算 6
2.4 剪叉式升降平台机构设计时应注意的问题 7
2.5 针对性比较小实例: 7
2.6双铰接剪叉式升降平台机两种液压缸布置方式分析比较 9
2.6.1问题的提出存和解决; 10
2.6.2两种布置方式的比较和参考: 10
2.6.3实例计算 12
第三章液压传动系统的设计计算 16
3.1明确设计要求 制定基本方案: 16
3.2制定液压系统的方案 16
3.2.1确定液压执行元件的形式 16
3.2.2 确定液压缸的类型 17
3.2.3 确定液压缸的安装方式 17
3.2.4 缸盖联接的类型 17
3.2.5拟订液压执行元件运动控制回路 18
3.2.6液压源系统 18
3.3确定液压系统的主要参数 18
3.3.1载荷的组成与计算: 18
3.3.2初选系统压力 21
3.3.3计算液压缸的主要结构尺寸 21
3.3.4确定液压泵的参数 23
3.3.5管道尺寸的确定 24
3.3.6油箱容量的确定 25
3.4液压缸主要零件结构、材料及技术要求 25
3.4.1缸体 25
3.4.2活塞 26
3.4.3活塞杆 26
3.4.4活塞杆的导向、密封和防尘 27
3.4.5液压缸的排气装置 28
3.4.6液压缸安装联接部分的型式及尺寸 28
3.4.7绘制液压系统原理图 29
第四章台板与叉杆的设计计算 31
4.1确定叉杆的结构材料及尺寸 31
4.2横轴的选取 35
结论 36
参考文献 37
致谢 38