关键词: 液压元件; 液压站; 液压系统
Because the liquid presses the technique better than traditional electric power to drive and extensive usage, also highlight for the importance that the liquid presses an equipments to provide a liquid to press a dynamical liquid to press pump station.The liquid presses the work principle of station:The electrical engineering arouses an oil pump to revolve, the pump is from the oil pump absorb oil behind beat oil, machine can converted into a liquid to press oily pressure ability, the liquid pressed oil pass an integration piece(or valve combination) a liquid press valve after carrying out a direction, pressure, discharge regulate through circumscribe tube road deliver a liquid press in mechanical oil urn or oil motor, thus controled liquid motive a direction of the size of the transformation, strength and the rate of speed of the speed, push various liquid press a machine do achievement.The design passes to press a pump to stand the analysis of concrete work condition to the liquid and make sure that the liquid presses a pump to stand the design of total project, and presses the liquid of pump station to press a system design to the liquid.Pass the detailed design to press the pump station to liquid, make it satisfy the request of user, press an equipments to provide a liquid to press motive to the liquid of the different pressure and the discharge in the meantime.
Key word: The liquid presses a component; The liquid presses a station; The liquid presses system

目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1 液压机的发展 1
1.2 液压机的工作原理 1
1.3 液压机的特点和用途及分类 2
第二章液压机的主要技术参数 4
2.1 YA32─100T液压机主要参数 4
2.2 100T液压机系统工况图 4
第三章液压基本回路以及控制阀 7
3.1 100T液压机液压系统图 7
3.2 100T液压机工作循环图 9
第四章液压工作介质 11
4.1 液压油的选择 11
第五章液压辅助件及液压泵站 12
5.1 管件 12
5.1.1 高压金属油管内径 12
5.1.2 高压金属油管壁厚 12
5.1.3 高压软管内径 12
5.1.4低压软管内径 13
5.2 密封件 13
5.2.1 主缸工作压力 14
5.2.2 作用面积 14
5.2.3 主缸工作单位压力 14
5.2.4 顶出缸工作压力 14
5.2.5 作用面积 15
5.2.6 主缸工作单位压力 15
5.3 油箱 15
5.3.1 平均功率损失 15
5.3.2 阀的功率损失 16
5.3.3 管路及其他功率损失 16
5.3.4 计算散热面积 16
5.3.5 根据液压系统最大工作容积 17
5.3.6 近似计算油箱散热面积 17
5.3.7 油箱中油液的冷却 18
5.4 过滤器 18
5.5 立柱导杆 19
5.6 液压缸顶出 20
5.6.1 材料 20
5.6.2 缸筒内径 21
5.6.3 液压缸的理论作用力F 22
5.6.4 缸筒壁厚 22
5.6.5 缸筒壁厚校核 23
5.6.6 缸筒的暴裂压力 24
5.6.7 缸筒底部厚度 24
5.6.8 缸筒端部法兰厚度 24
5.6.9 缸筒法兰连接螺栓 25
5.7 顶出缸活塞杆 25
5.7.1 材料 25
5.7.2 直径 26
5.7.3强度校核 26
5.8 顶出缸的总效率 27
5.8.1 机械效率 27
5.8.2 容积效率 27
5.8.3 反作用力效率 27
5.9 泵站的组成及工作过程 28
第六章液压系统的安装 30
6.1 液压元件的安装 33
总 结 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36