关键词:起升机构; 小车运行机构; 门式起重机
With the continuous advance of China's economic construction, manufacturing and other areas of the building are getting bigger, while promoting improvement in the level of mechanization. Therefore, advanced machinery and equipment has become an important guarantee to promote the construction speed, but also ensure the quality of the material guarantee. Lifting machinery in the mines, docks and other mechanization, automation, and improve labor productivity has played an important role.
Lifting generally intermittent, repetitive approach to work, extract lifting devices, down or panning, etc. to achieve delivery of goods. In the course of their work, the scope of work is relatively large, and a lot of risk factors.
So, in crane design, manufacturing process, design parameters and design elements is quite important, the main design elements of reference include: lifting rope, all kinds of pulleys, winches and anchor, mast, truck crane stack components such as transportation and handling.
Device management is an important part of business, through a variety of technical, economic and organizational measures for existing equipment planning, design, manufacture, installation, use, maintenance, alteration, until the retirement of the whole process of management. Management objective is to obtain a better job running effect, that is, we
should give full play to the effectiveness of the device, but also the pursuit cycle cost of the most economical.
Our country has always attached great importance to production safety, but in the execution, command and objective conditions, there are many uncertain factors of insecurity, especially in human terms, because producers ignore the role of production safety, often cause significant security incidents. We should start with the production of these major accidents learn and take preventive measures, the most important of the most fundamental is from the crane design, manufacture, use and management to start a series of aspects, to ensure product quality, as far as possible reduce accidents.construction, mechanization and automation are also rising, with this adaptation of crane technology is developing rapidly, increasing product range, range more widely.
Key Words:Hoisting mechanism; Trolley run institutions; Gantry crane

目 录
第一章 引言 1
1.1 门式起重机的用途以及工作特点 1
1.2 门式起重机分类及其应用 1
1.3 门式起重机的主要参数 2
1.4 门式起重机的表示方法 3
1.5 门式起重机的选用 3
1.6 门式起重机的传动过程和工作原理 4
1.7 门式起重机国内外研究历史与现状 4
1.8 本次起重机设计的结构图 5
第二章计算 6
2.1 载荷情况 6
2.1.1 正常的载荷 6
2.1.2 工作最大载荷 7
2.1.3 非工作最大载荷 7
2.2 起重机设计算依据 8
2.2.1 起重机设计依据 8
2.2.2 起重机设计参数 8
2.3 起重机截面特性设计计算 9
2.31 主梁截面几何设计 9
2.3.2 支腿截面特性 10
2.4 主梁设计计算及校核 12
2.4.1 主梁计算载荷与内力 12
2.4.2 主梁强度计算 16
2.4.3 主梁工字钢下翼缘局部集中应力 16
2.4.4 合成应力 17
2.5 支腿设计计算及校核 19
2.5.1 支腿几何参数 19
2.5.2 支腿强度计算 20
2.5.3 主梁刚度计算 23
结束语 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
附录 27