摘 要
修剪,扩展对象,等。应用程序的设计的巨大的优势,作为一个先锋在当今集成CAD / CAM软件,我们也理解其强大的功能和便捷。
关键字: 减速器; CAD; 装配图及零件图的制作; 数控加工
(computer aided design) refers to the use of computers and graphics device to help loading the product design and engineering, computer can help design calculation, information storage and drawings, etc. Different design often requires a computer calculation, analysis and comparison, to determine the optimal scheme, the design of digital information, text, graphics, or can be stored in the computer's memory, and based on the partition, or fast retrieval, designers often use sketches, hard work can complete the computer will start to design sketch, the design of the computer automatically generated as a result, you can quickly make a graphical display, enable designers to design decisions and changes, using the computer can carry out with the graphic editor, amplification, narrow, translation and rotation of graphics data processing and other computer aided design personnel can reduce labor, shorten the design cycle, improve design quality. Main aim is to:
1.integrated past theories knowledge, improve the comprehensive analysis and practical ability.
2. Training and improving the design of basic skills such as calculation and application. Design information, standards and specifications, etc.
3. To cultivate students' comprehensive use course and specialized course, the technical basis of knowledge, analyze and solve engineering technical problems of working ability.
4.consolidate, deepening and expanding the students learned the basic theories, basic knowledge and skills.
5.the cultivation of students' innovation ability and team spirit, good academic ideas and style of work.
6. According to the theory of gear reducer design, and on this basis, according to the size of the design requirements by using CAD assembly.
Key words: reducer; CAD; assembly and detail drawing

目 录
第一章 题目分析及传动方案设计 1
1.1 课题内容及分析要求 1
1.2 传动方案的拟定及说明 2
第二章 传动装置的总体设计 3
2.1 电动机的选择 3
2.2 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 5
2.3 带传动设计 6
2.4 传动件的设计计算 9
第三章 轴的设计计算 14
3.1 高速轴Ⅰ设计 14
3.2 轴Ⅱ的设计计算(中间轴的计算) 15
3.3 轴Ⅲ的设计计算(低速轴的计算) 17
3.4 轴的校核计算 18
3.5 高速轴的疲劳强度校核 21
第四章 铸件减速器机体结构尺寸计算表及附件的选择 24
4.1铸件减速器机体结构尺寸计算表 24
第五章 标准件的设计与选用 25
5.1 键联接的选择及校核计算 25
5.2 滚动轴承的选择及计算 25
5.3 联轴器的选择与计算 28
5.4 润滑与密封(润滑与密封方式的选择、润滑剂的选择) 29
5.5 减速器附件的选择及说明 29
参考文献 31
致谢 32