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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16311264 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311264

摘 要

关键词:切削力 深孔钻削 扭矩测量


Cutting force is metal cutting process that is one of the main physical phenomena, which directly affects the tool wear and durability, heat cutting and processed surface quality, sometimes causes vibration, even damaged tools and machine parts. And in the machine, cutter, jig design, cutting force is indispensable, especially with the data processing process automation development, cutting force is often as in cutting process of adaptive control is an important parameter, and get attention. So the cutting force not only is an important aspect of cutting mechanism for practical production, and also to have the important meaning.
For cutting force analysis usually has two ways: one is the theoretical formula of cutting force. The theoretical formula is able to reflect the cutting force factors to the inner link, problem analysis, Defect is simplified formula is when due to many conditions, and the actual situation, some parameters is hard to determine its value in theory, and the calculated results with the real value of cutting force has quite big error. So it can only be used as an analytical, rather than a practical calculation. Another way is to rely on experimental measurement torque.
This topic is designed for measuring the torque. With motor shaft torque for measurement of metal materials, through deep hole drilling process, observe torque meter readings, adjust to control motor speed, feed, stable cutting tools in optimal, thus protecting the tool. Meanwhile guarantee stability and reliability of the machining process, reduce the economic loss, improve the production efficiency and economic benefit.

KEY WORDS: Cutting force,   Deep hole drilling,   Torque measurement
目 录
第一章    绪 论    1
1.1.    引言    1
1.2.    课题研究的背景    1
1.3.    深孔加工的特点和难点    2
1.4.    课题的目标和研究内容    3
1.4.1.课题的目标    3
1.4.2.课题的研究内容    4
1.5.    课题的意义    4
第二章    金属切削性能研究测试的基本方法和原理及车床的整体设计    6
2.1.    金属切削性能研究测试的基本方法和原理    6
2.1.1.基本方法    6
2.1.2.基本原理    8
2.2.    车床的整体设计    9
2.2.1.床身的设计    9
2.2.2.导轨的选择    10
2.2.3.直线运动机构的选择    10
2.3.    尾座部分夹具体的具体设计    11
2.4.    车床整体结构设计    13
第三章    深孔钻削的力学特征以及扭矩的检测    14
3.1.    深孔钻削力学特征分析的意义    14
3.1.1.深孔钻削刀具的力学模型    14
3.1.2.BTA内排屑深孔钻的工作原理和结构特点:    15
3.2.    刀具扭矩检测方法    19
3.2.1.检测方法的提出    19
3.3.    扭矩测量仪的选用    21
3.3.1.国内外扭矩测量仪现况简介    21
3.3.2.扭矩测量仪的选用原则    23
3.3.3.扭矩测量仪的选用    24
第四章    电机和变频器的选择    27
4.1.    电机    27
4.1.1.电动机的种类    27
4.1.2.交流电动机的调速方式    27
4.2.    变频器的选择    29
4.2.1.变频器的概论    29
4.2.2.变频器的工作原理    30
4.2.3.变频器的选择    32
4.2.4.变频器的控制方式    32
第五章    实验结果和分析    34
5.1.    单一孕育剂的孕育结果    34
5.1.1.单一孕育剂处理铸件的分析    34
5.1.2.单一孕育剂处理的灰铸件的断面敏感性对比    34
5.1.3.单一孕育剂处理灰铸件加工性能结果和分析    34
5.1.4.单一孕育剂处理灰铸件的实验结论    35
5.2.    75FeSi+Sr复合孕育处理灰铸件的结果和分析    36符合孕育剂灰铸件力学性能对比    36
5.2.2.复合育剂处理灰铸件的断面敏感性对比    37复合育剂灰铸件的加工性能对比    37复合育剂灰铸件的显微组织的分析和对比    38复合育剂灰铸件的试验结论    40
结 论    42
谢 辞    43
参考文献    44
