摘 要
Corn stover has the very high use value. In recent years, with the rapid development of animal husbandry and animal feed shortage problem increasingly serious, especially in winter. In our country's rural areas, the corn straw as animal feed has a long history, but the maize straw in mostly adopts manual harvest, harvest time consuming; The machine is the straw crushing returning more harvest. On the market at present there is a corn harvester, able to straw crushed into hay car at the same time, this method is easy to collect, but ship the storage operation takes work.
This topic design of towed silage corn harvester adopts double toothed disc cutter, cutter circumferential velocity is larger. Machine is working, through traction frame drawing into the harvester working range, and adjust the stubble height required. Installed on the frame of the diesel engine will be passed to the main shaft on the cutter disc and chain, chain drive through umbrella gear box gears, the secondary gear drive, drive, before the Lord, the passive roller gear drive double toothed disc cutter high-speed rotating at the same time, cut off the straw feed was before the Lord, the passive roller forced sandwiched to after feeding roller, and then sent to Zha cutting chamber between the moving and fixed blades, chop the straw feed. After chopped straw feed with the help of the knife wheel produced by high speed rotating inertia and the effect of blade will feed toss. After toss of the feed by diverting Jane, discharging mouth, the last is to pick up the car Bi. This article mainly used machinery design method and principle of all parts of silage corn harvester size research design, the main transmission parts of stress analysis and strength check calculation, using CAXA electronic board and CAXA entity design software to carry on the design and drawing, initially completed the design of the machine and sort out the drawings.
Key words: traction type; Corn silage.;The disc cutter

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract I
1 引言 - 1 -
1.1 本课题研究的背景、目的 - 1 -
1.2 国内外玉米收获机的研制状况 - 2 -
1.3 现有玉米秸秆青贮机械收获的方法 - 4 -
1.4 课题研究的主要内容和方法 - 6 -
2 牵引式玉米青贮收割机整体方案的确定 - 7 -
2.1 设计的基本原理 - 7 -
2.2 方案的确定 - 7 -
3 牵引式玉米青贮收割机传动系统的分析研究 - 9 -
3.1 传动系统方案设计及传动设计计算 - 9 -
3.2 传动比及参数的确定 - 10 -
3.3 传动设计计算 - 11 -
4 锯齿式双圆盘切割器的研究 - 17 -
4.1 切割原理及切割条件 - 17 -
4.2 主要结构参数及运动参数 - 19 -
5 盘刀式切碎装置 - 21 -
5.1主要组成部分 - 21 -
5.2 主要结构参数 - 21 -
结 论 - 24 -
参考文献 - 25 -
致 谢 - 26 -