摘 要
Plastic molding machine (injection molding machine for short), is a typical system set machine, electricity, liquid in one, because of the complexity can be a molding products, less processing, and processing various types of plastics and other advantages, has now become the main equipment of plastics processing. Some of the traditional small and medium-sized electric injection molding machine are controlled by relays, along with the development of electronic technology, the disadvantage is more and more remarkable performance, the main line performance for the complex, slow relay system, short service life, poor control precision, high fault rate, difficult to repair.
In view of the above problems, the graduation design using PLC control system to control the control system of injection molding machine. Through FXGP-WIN-E programming in a variety of electrical protection and sensor signals as input, processes the output of the action. To improve the control precision, reliability, and easy maintenance.
This paper introduces the mechanical structure and control of injection molding machine, followed by analysis of the working principle and process of injection molding machine, the PLC control system hardware and software design method is given.
Keywords: injection molding machine; PLC; step control; FXGP-WIN-E
图5.1 关安全门、低压锁模、高压锁模控制流程图

目 录
摘 要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1卧式注塑机的发展过程 1
1.2课题设计目的 2
1.3 课题的研究内容 3
第2章 PLC介绍 4
2.1 PLC的基本结构 4
2.2 PLC的工作原理 4
2.3海天系列PLC介绍 5
第3章 卧式注塑机总体设计 5
3.1卧式注塑机系统的组成和原理 5
3.1.1注射部分 6
3.3卧式注塑机控制系统的控制要求 7
3.3.4预塑液压马达的动作 7
第4章 卧式注塑机控制系统的硬件设计 8
4.1 PLC机型的选择 8
4.2 卧式注塑机主电路的设计 9
4.2.1 电动机的启动控制 9
4.2.2 液压阀的选择 10
4.2.3 液压驱动系统的选择 10
4.2.4 液压泵电机的选型 11
第5章 卧式注塑机控制系统的软件设计 11
5.1 卧式注塑机的动作流程 11
5.2 程序设计 14
5.2.1 状态转移图的设计 15
第6章 系统运行与调试 18
6.1 硬件和软件的调试 18
6.1.1 硬件的调试 18
总 结 19
谢 辞 20
参考文献 22