摘 要
关键词: 铣削组合机床; 铣削机床; 主轴箱
Combination machine tools based on general parts, according to the specific shape of the part and process design of special components and fixture, composed of dedicated semi-automatic and automatic machine tools. Has the following advantages: compact structure, can reduce cover an area of an area, is advantageous to the implementation process, the quality of the work is more reliable, at the same time because can shorten the design and manufacturing cycle, so can reduce the investment, and therefore can obtain a higher economic efficiency, improve the productivity, etc.
The topic of this design is a combination of milling machine and spindle box design. In order to realize the process, improve the efficiency of production and processing, improve the machining accuracy. To complete the design, a large number of literatures, the main design process, refer to the manual design and others for this design. To complete the paper in the process, from the target parts of the processing required, determine the design needed to meet the requirements of the precision of the size, and an overall design plan of nc machine tools for machining parts. About design thinking process of the design as follows: first of all, according to the requirements as well as a variety of specifications, determine the general layout of machine tool, makes every effort to reasonable layout and compact; Then further refine the structure design of spindle box design. In the process of the design of spindle box, need, from the perspective of the main shaft, in satisfies the requirement of stiffness, precision, etc, to achieve its function structure, complete design of other relevant parts.
The preliminary design to complete a combination of milling machine and spindle box design. Completed the overall scheme selection and determine; Zero component design and selection; Draw the overall scheme system diagram and the plan. And the spindle component completed: the structure of the spindle component design, program design, technical design and structure design; Draw the relevant drawings.
Key words: Milling combination machine tools; Milling machine; Thes pindle box

目 录
第一章绪论 1
第二章机床总体设计 6
2.1 设计依据 6
2.1.1 工件 6
2.1.2刀具 7
2.2 工艺分析 8
2.2.1 工艺方法 8
2.2.2 机床总体布局 8
2.2.3 机床运动的确定 9
2.3机床主要技术参数的确定 9
2.3.1 确定工件余量 10
2.3.2 选择切削用量 10
2.3.3 运动参数 10
2.3.4动力参数—主运动驱动电动机功率的确定 12
2.4 进给驱动电动机功率的确定 13
第三章 主轴组件设计 15
3.1 主轴的基本要求 15
3.1.1 旋转精度 15
3.1.2 刚度 15
3.1.3 抗振性 16
3.1.4 温升和热变形 18
3.1.5 耐磨性 19
3.1.6 其他 19
3.2 主轴组件的布局 19
3.2.1 适应刚度和承载能力的要求 20
3.2.2 适应转速要求 20
3.2.3 适应精度的要求 21
3.2.4 适应结构的要求 21
3.2.5 适应经济性要求 21
3.3 主轴结构的初步拟定 22
3.4 主轴的材料与热处理 23
3.5 主轴的技术要求 23
3.5.1 轴颈 24
3.5.2 内锥孔 24
3.6 主轴组件的计算 24
3.6.1 主轴直径的选择 24
3.6.2 主轴前后支承轴承的选择 25
3.6.1 主轴直径的选择 26
3.6.4 主轴前端悬伸量 27
3.6.5 主轴支承跨距 27
3.7 主轴结构图 27
3.8. 主轴组件的验算 28
3.9 主轴组件的润滑和密封 30
3.9.1 主轴轴承的润滑 30
3.9.2 主轴组件的密封 30
3.10 主轴组件中相关部件 31
3.10.1 轴肩挡圈 31
3.10.2 挡圈 31
3.10.3 圆螺母 32
3.11 主轴组件轴向调节机构 37
3.11.1 丝杠螺纹 37
3.11.2 丝杠轴承的选择 38
3.11.3 丝杠螺母 38
3.11.4 丝杠中段螺纹 38
3.11.5 丝杠上的内隔套 38
3.11.6 丝杠上调节用锥齿轮 39
3.12 箱体设计 40
第四章结论 44
参考文献 45
致 谢 46