来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16311316 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311316
Consists of bearing conveyor belt and belt conveyor for traction mechanism of continuous transportation equipment, because it has a large transport capacity, transport small resistance, low power consumption, stable operation, the advantages of small material damage in transit, is widely used in mine roadway in the belt conveyor transport materials such as coal, ore, play an important role in construction of modern mines.This design on the basis of the original data, combined with the knowledge, comprehensive selection of various branches of mine fixed belt conveyor design.First of all made simple overview of belt conveyor,Then analyzed the principle of type selection of belt conveyor and calculation methods;And then according to these design criteria in accordance with the requirements for a given parameter selection and calculation method for type selection design.
Keywords: design, calculation and selection of belt conveyor

目 录
第一章输送机简介 1
1.1输送机的工作原理 1
1.2主要部件结构原理 1
1.3常见故障及处理 4
第二章 电机的选择 6
2.1 初选电机 6
2.2 确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比 7
2.3 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 8
第三章 V带传动设计 10
3.1 初选普通V带 10
3.2 验算带速V 10
3.3 确定中心距和带的基准长度 10
第四章 齿轮传动设计 13
4.1 高速级设计 13
4.1.1 选取齿轮的材料、热处理及精度 13
4.1.2 初步设计齿轮传动的主要尺寸 13
4.1.3 校核齿面接触疲劳强度 17
4.1.4 计算几何尺寸 18
4.2 低速级设计 18
4.2.1 选取齿轮的材料、热处理及精度 18
4.2.2 初步设计齿轮传动的主要尺寸 19
4.2.3 校核齿面接触疲劳强度 22
4.2.4 计算几何尺寸 24
第五章 轴承寿命校核 25
5.1 I轴校核 25
5.2 II轴校核 26
5.3 III轴校核 27
第六章 基于SOLIDWORKS软件进行的建模及装配 30
6.1 SOLIDWORKS软件建模与装配概述 30
6.2 运用SOLIDWORKS软件进行零件设计 30
6.3运用SOLIDWORKS软件进行零件装配 33
第七章 结论与展望 34
7.1 结论 34
7.2展望 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36