来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16311317 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311317
设计中的主轴箱的设计是这次设计任务的重中之重,也是最关键的部分当然它也是我们常见的组合机床中重要的部件之一。首先它是由我们所熟悉的通用部件,按照被加工零件的加工要求,根据专用要求设计的。举个例子就是加工拖拉机侧支架上的12个孔,就是一种加工空间多孔的组合机床的一种体现 。而这次的加工任务是机床也是以其为例。主轴箱是组合机床重要的专属部件,它是根据加工示意图所确定的工件加工孔的数量和位置、切削用量和主轴类型设计的传递各主轴运动的动力部件,与此同时为了提高生产效率以及降低劳动强度。
关键词: 组合机床; 主轴箱; 传动轴
The pupil hole processing combined machine tool is our common a special combination of machine tool, it is by the series and standardization of the general components and in accordance with the requirements of the processing parts of the shape and processing technology, size of the data and design of special components. Is a new and very useful form of machine tool.
And the number of exclusive tractor design in the design of spindle box design is the task of top priority, but also the most important part of the course, it is our common modular machine tool is an important component of. First of all, it is we are familiar with the general parts to be machined parts processing requirements, according to the special requirements of the design. Give an example is the processing side bracket 12 hole, is a kind of processing the porous space combination machine tool of a kind of expression. And the processing task is the machine is also in the case of the spindle box of modular machine tool is an important part, it is based on the processing schematic diagram to determine the workpiece hole position, cutting dosage and Spindle type design of the transfer of the spindle motor power components. At the same time in order to improve production efficiency and reduce labor intensity. This special design the with double-sided drilling and space multi drilling machine combination and corresponding special fixture.
On the basis of the spindle box design principles completed the structure type selection and dynamic calculation, design and calculation of transmission system, spindle box coordinate calculation, design of spindle box of general plan design and hydraulic parts. And in order to map graph processing procedure, processing schematic diagram and horizontal double-sided combination of machine tool parts size chart. The whole description all based on the existing national standards in order to complete.
Key words: Combined machine tool; spindle box; transmission shaft

目 录
第一章 组合机床概述 1
1.1 组合机床简介 1
1.2 组合机床的特点 2
1.3 组合机床工艺范围及发展方向 3
1.3.1 组合机床工艺范围 3
1.3.2 组合机床发展方向 4
1.3.3 组合机床的方案选择 5
第二章 被加工零件工艺方案的制定 7
2.1 零件分析 7
2.1.1 零件的用途 7
2.1.2 零件的技术要求 7
2.2 工艺方案的制定 8
2.3 组合机床切削量及切削力的确定 9
2.3.1组合机床切削量和工序余量的确定 10
2.3.2选择组合机床切削用量的特点 10
2.3.3选择组合机床钻削切削用量 10
2.3.4确定切削用量此时应注意的问题 11
2.3.5组合机床切削力的确定 11
2.4 主轴直径的确定和主轴箱所需动力计算 12
2.4.1主轴直径的确定 12
2.4.2动力箱的选用 13
第三章 主轴箱的设计 15
3.1 主轴箱的基本机构及表达方法 15
3.1.1 主轴箱简介 15
3.1.2 通用主轴箱的组成 15
3.1.3 通用主轴箱的通用零件 16
3.2绘制主轴箱设计原始依据图 17
3.3确定主轴结构型式及齿轮模数 19
3.4主轴箱的传动系统设计 20
3.4.1对主轴箱传动系统的一般要求 20
3.4.2传动系统的设计与计算 21
3.5 主轴箱坐标的计算 26
3.5.1 绘制主轴箱总图及补充加工图 33
3.5.2主轴箱补充加工图设计 34
结论 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37