关键词: 主轴箱; 结构设计; 轴
Throughout the machine tool spindle box is a relatively important component through its internal gears can achieve multi-speed, the speed of which people need to be reached from the last to the spindle speed. Typically headstock drive performance directly affects the performance of the machine.
This design introduces ordinary machine tool spindle CA6140 design process, the article briefly describes the history and current status of the lathe analyzed headstock various important parts of the structure principle and its role in doing the spindle box. Details of the CA6140 in the gears, shafts, spindles and bearings and other parts of the entire design process. Specific content includes selected meet the requirements of the corresponding power motors and various parts of the overall structural design, including materials, given the reasonable arrangement and size selection processing needs. For shaft and gear parts using the relevant formula, a reasonable analysis relatively dangerous parts of the mapping, calculation and look-up table, a variety of checking. Parameters for the various parts of the final formulation, transmission design, transmission parts estimating and checking each component structural design, drawing parts and assembly drawings.
CA6140 lathe is a typical turning processing machine tools, including spindle box is core
component of machine tool, is the role of the spindle box is passed on to the main spindle motor movement, turning rotary movement. This paper mainly includes the transmission scheme and system design of proposed, including the design of the speed, the determination of structural formula and process; The calculation of each shaft transmission power and torque. The design of main parts and check; A major part of the spindle box mainly includes box, transmission shaft, gear and pulleys. Eventually determine the overall structure of the spindle box design.
Keywords: Headstock; structural design; axis

目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1 普通车床发展史 1
1.2 发展趋势 3
第二章CA6140主轴箱工作原理 4
2.1机床的结构 4
2.2 主轴箱的主要构造 6
第三章传动方案拟定和总体布局 9
3.1 变速组和传动副数的确定 9
3.2 传动比的分配 10
第四章各个零部件的选定 12
4.1 确定主轴的极限转速 12
4.2 电机的选择 12
4.2.1 计算转速范围和定公比并选出各级转速 12
4.2.2 电机选择 13
4.3 带轮直径和齿轮齿数的确定 13
4.3.1 确定皮带轮直径 13
4.3.2 齿轮齿数的确定 14
4.3.3 计算各轴传动的功率 17
4.4 主轴箱的传动系统 18
第五章各零部件校核验算 19
5.1 各轴验算转速误差 19
5.2 V带的设计校核 19
5.3 I轴上的零部件设计 21
5.3.1 I轴上的齿轮设计 21
5.3.2 I轴的设计校核 25
5.3.3 轴承的校核和键的选择 27
5.5 II轴上的齿轮设计 29
5.5.1 II轴上的齿轮设计 29
5.5.2 II轴选轴、键和轴承的选择 33
5.6 III轴上的个部件设计 34
5.6.1 III轴上的齿轮设计 34
5.6.2 III轴选轴、键和轴承的选择 38
5.7 IV轴主轴的选取 39
5.8主轴箱的装配图及箱体的设计 41
结论 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45