Common lathe is one of the most widely used, accounting for 65%of the total number of lathes, because of the spindle horizontally placed so called horizontal lathe. Mainspindle : also known as the headstock, its main task is coming from the main motor rotation speed through a series of institutions required for the spindle box allocate part of the power the campaign to pass into the box. Lathe headstock spindle is the key to the middle part. Spindle bearing on the smooth operation of the workpiece directly affect the processing quality, once the accuracy of the rotation decreased, the machine’s using values.
Feed box: also known as the cutting box, feed tank equipped with a vanable speed feed motion in the body, it can adjust the speed to change mechanism, obtain the required feed rate or screw pitch, the motion and driving force to slide crate to make crate to get the vertical linear slide motion. Start lathe check each variable speed are in the lathe meutral. Clutch whether is in the correct position, joystick is no in stop state, when confirmed, close the lathe total switch power supply. Saddle bed according to the green button, motor started brought up to slip board box on the right side of the lever handle, spindle is turned; Lever handle back into the middle position, spindle stop turn move; Lever handle press, spindle reversal, the saddle bed of red stop button, motor stopped working.
This article has focused on using plain language introduction to the general machine tools in the design process of spindle, first by studying the background and significance of the topic's introduction, to elicit the significance of this design. And then were prepared from the parameters, transmission design, estimation and checking transmission parts, components structural design and checking 5 spindle components for the design part. The gears, belts, pulleys, bearings, cabinet and other key design parameters.
Keyword: Gear; structural design; box; bearing

目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1 车床简介 1
1.2 国内外车床发展概况 2
1.3 设计目的及思路 3
第二章车床参数的拟定 4
2.1 概述 4
2.2 参数的拟定 4
2.2.1 确定极限转速 4
2.2.2 主电机选择 4
第三章运动设计 6
3.1 传动结构式、结构网的选择确定 6
3.1.1 传动组及各传动组中传动副的数目 6
3.1.2 传动系统扩大顺序的安排 6
3.1.3 绘制结构网 7
3.1.4 传动组的变速范围的极限值 7
3.1.5 最大扩大组的选择 8
3.2 转速图的拟定 8
3.2.1 主电机的选定 9
3.3 齿轮齿数的确定及传动系统图的绘制 10
3.3.1 齿轮齿数的确定的要求 10
3.3.2 变速传动组中齿轮齿数的确定 11
第四章强度计算和结构草图设计 15
4.1 确定计算转速 15
4.1.1 主轴的计算转速 15
4.1.2 中间传动件的计算转速 15
4.1.3 齿轮的计算转速 15
4.2 传动轴的估算和验算 16
4.2.1 传动轴直径的估算 16
4.2.2 主轴的设计与计算 17
4.2.3 主轴材料与热处理 21
4.3 齿轮模数的估算和计算 21
4.3.1 齿轮模数的估算 21
4.3.2 齿轮模数的验算 24
4.4 轴承的选择与校核 26
4.4.1 一般传动轴上的轴承选择 27
4.4.2 主轴轴承的类型 27
4.4.3 轴承间隙调整 28
4.4.4 轴承的较核 28
4.5 摩擦离合器的选择与验算 30
4.5.1 按扭矩选择 30
4.5.2 外摩擦片的内径d 30
4.5.3 选择摩擦片尺寸(自行设计) 30
4.5.4 计算摩擦面的对数Z 31
4.5.5 摩擦片片数 31
总结 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34