摘 要
In the vehicle development process, automotive wheel bearings are generally used as suspension means or braking device. In terms of stress analysis, by passing the suspension equipment exploded automotive wheel bearings to withstand the weight of the car, but the positional relationship between the assembly point of view, by the brake equipment is connected with the automobile hub bearing assembly connected to the part of the way. Since the bearing has played a role in transmission, but can also be divided into wheel bearing drivetrain parts.
Mechanisms of this automation of automobile assembly line was developed from the basic principles and the principles of manual assembly lines of automated machine production line in coming. Using the principles of design and manufacturing wheel bearings, to achieve factory automation, improve production quality and yield of automobile wheels, in order to meet the needs of the current automotive industry.
The design includes bits from the positioning station and turn station design. In this design, the use of SolidWorks varus positioning stations and general stations, the relevant parts diagram, a more detailed explanation.
Keywords: Car wheels, positioning station, flip station, solidworks.

目 录
第一章 前言 1
1.1汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线辅助装备概述 1
1.2 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线辅助装备的组成 1
1.2.1 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线辅助装备的组成 1
1.2.2 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线辅助装备的效果 2
第二章 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线定位站的传动装备设计 4
2.1 定位站的设计关键技能参数要求 4
2.2 初定夹具结构方案 5
2.2.1 工件定位方案及定位装置 5
2.2.2 设计钻套装置 6
2.2.3 工件夹紧装置 6
2.2.4 验算中心距 7
2.2.5 验算两孔平行度精度 8
2.2.6 绘图 9
2.3 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线定位站的传动方案设计 9
2.3.1 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线定位站的驱动电机额定转速选择 9
2.3.2 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线定位站的驱动电机额定功率选择 10
2.4汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线定位站的定位机构设计 11
2.4.1 定位机构夹具设计 12
第三章汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线翻转站设计 15
3.1 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线翻转站结构设计 15
3.2 汽车轮毂轴承自动化生产线翻转站气缸的选择 16
3.2.1 气缸的选择与造型 16
3.2.2 活塞的选型 18
3.2.3 其他相关机构选型 19
第四章 基于solidworks软件进行建模及装配 21
4.1 基于solidworks软件的轮毂轴承建模与装配概述 21
4.1.1 Solidworks软件特点 21
4.2 运用SolidWorks软件进行零件设计 21
4.3 运用SolidWorks软件进行零件装配 25
4.3.1 新建零件 26
4.3.2 插入基体零件 26
4.3.3 保存文件 27
4.3.4 插入“轴组件”子装配体 27
4.3.5 装配体图 29
第五章 基于solidworks motion进行定位站的运动学仿真 30
5.1 solidworks motion概述 30
5.2 基于solidworks motion进行定位站参数设置 31
5.3 基于solidworks motion进行定位站的仿真 32
第六章 结论 33
致谢 35