主页 > 机械机电 > 机械 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16311346 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311346

摘  要

关键词: 主轴箱;主轴;电子技术

Modular machine tool machine has high ability to work, standardization, seriation, about eighty percent of interchangeable parts, it is used by various industries, such as machinery manufacturing, family, home appliances, etc. In recent years, with the development of the technical ability of the industry, the development of electronic technology brings to the machinery industry major change makes the machine production capacity and diversity. Modular machine tool technology is in such a big development by strides in progress. It has automatic control function is the industrial production of a large number of products the right way.
In modular machine tool spindle box has an extremely important role, it is good or bad relationship with a good machine can run efficiently. So this design is a combination of milling machine tool spindle box design, through the improvement of spindle box design, mechanical transmission optimization, make the structure more reasonable and better to complete the desired effect. The general design of the design of modular machine tool first understand how it works to understand its general structure, so that the overall understanding to it to find out deficiencies optimization design. Next to the design and calculation of the spindle components such as the rigidity of the spindle, the spindle component bureaus, choice of main shaft diameter, etc. Then the spindle related parts such as collar, screw thread, and the box body design and selection.

Keywords:   Spindle box ; Spindle ;Electronic technology


目 录
第一章 引言    1
1.1组合机床加工方式    1
1.2组合机床在生产中的应用    1
第二章 机床总体设计    3
2.1机床总体方案设计的依据    3
2.1.1 工件    3
2.2机床总体设计    3
2.2.1 工艺方法的确定    3
2.2.2 确定组合机床总体的布局    4
2.3机床主要技术参数的确定    4
2.3.1 确定工件余量    4
2.3.2 选择切削用量    5
2.3.3 运动参数    5
2.3.4主运动驱动电动机功率的分析确定    6
2.4进给驱动电动机功率    8
第三章 主轴组件要求与设计计算    9
3.1主轴的基本要求    9
3.1.1 旋转精度    9
3.1.2 刚度    9
3.1.3温升和热变形    10
3.1.4 耐磨性    10
3.2主轴组件的布局    10
3.2.1适应刚度和承载能力的要求    11
3.2.2适应精度的要求    11
3.2.3适应结构的要求    11
3.2.4适应经济性要求    11
3.3主轴结构的初步拟定    12
3.4主轴的材料与热处理    12
3.5主轴的技术要求    13
3.5.1轴颈    13
3.5.2内锥孔    13
3.6主轴直径的选择    13
3.7主轴的前后支承轴承的选择与确定    14
3.7.1 主轴的前支承轴承的分析    15
3.7.2 主轴后支承轴承的选择    16
3.8主轴内孔直径    16
3.9主轴前端的悬伸量    17
3.10分析主轴的支承跨距    17
3.11主轴结构图    18
3.12主轴组件的验算    18
3.12.1 支承的简化    18
3.12.2主轴的挠度计算分析    19
3.12.3 主轴倾角    20
第四章 主轴组件相关部件    22
4.1主轴轴承的润滑    22
4.2主轴组件的密封    22
4.3轴挡圈    22
4.4 挡圈    23
4.5套筒    23
4.6支承的轴承盖前后的计算    24
4.7锁紧部分设计    25
4.8内花键设计    26
4.9调节机构部件    27
4.9.1 螺纹丝杠    27
4.9.2 丝杠轴承的选择    28
4.9.3 丝杠螺母    28
4.9.4 段螺纹设计    29
4.9.5 内隔套设计    29
4.9.6 丝杠上调节用锥齿轮    29
4.10箱体设计    30
结论    32
参 考 文 献    33
致  谢    34
