摘 要
Numerical analysis of wing fuselage docking structure
Science and technology development, social progress, the development of the aircraft industry is increasing year by year, with the development of the industry, the research on aircraft design is gradually deepening. Wing is one of the important parts of aircraft, wing fuselage connection is currently more important research topic, this link in the aircraft design to a key role, its design is good or bad, seriously relationship to aircraft flight performance and flight safety. Firstly, this paper detailed introduced flying wing aircraft fuselage connection structure and mechanical characteristics, and application software of CATIA three-dimensional modeling of the, finally the application of ANSYS software of finite element modeling and analysis, results show that the maximum equivalent should force and deformation meet the requirements of engineering applications.
Because the use of the modeling software CATIA and finite element analysis software ANSYS, so to enable us to fuselage wing docking structure model and wing deformation and stress analysis with more intuitive understanding and the understanding.
Key words: fuselage wing butt joint, 3D modeling, finite element analysis
第1章 工程背景以及研究目的
第2章 了解机身机翼对接形式
第3章 使用CATIA软件对飞机机身机翼对接结构的进行三维建模
第4章 对三维模型用有限元软件ANSYS进行有限元分析
第5章 对用ANSYS软件分析出来的结果进行分析并得出结论

摘 要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪论 1
1.1工程背景与研究目的和意义 1
1.2本文主要的研究内容 3
2 飞机机身机翼对接结构形式 5
2.1机翼机身的对接设计 5
2.2机身侧边对接时机身的结构设计和对接接头形式 5
2.3有中央翼通过时机翼机身的对接设计 8
2.4变后掠机翼机身对接 11
3 基于catia软件对机身机翼对接结构三维建模 12
3.1计算机辅助软件catia介绍 12
3.2 机身机翼对接结构三维模型建立 12
3.2.1用CATIA软件对机身机翼对接结构进行建模 12
3.2.2计算机辅助设计模型简单分析 13
4 基于ansys软件对机身机翼对接结构进行有限元分析 16
4.1计算机辅助工程软件ANSYS介绍 16
4.2机身机翼对接结构有限元分析 16
4.2.1前处理 16
4.2.2材料参数设置 17
4.2.3网格划分 19
4.2.4边界条件设定及加载 21
4.2.5机身机翼对接结构ansys后处理 22
5 结论与体会 28
5.1结论 28
5.2体会 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30