来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16311419 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311419
摘 要
液压传动是通过流动液体的压力能来实现运动的。液压传动在各个领域都有着非常广泛的运动,尤其在工业生产中,它的效率相比于刨床要高出许多,而且,越高科技的设备,运用的液压部分就越多。本设计是机床液压动力系统设计--执行元件设计 ,本机床是立式成型铣加工专用机床。
关键词 立式铣床;执行元件;液压系统;专用机床
The design of hydraulic power system for vertical molding machine tools for milling —Design of hydraulic pressure actuator
Hydraulic fluid is flowing through the pressure energy to achieve movement. Hydraulic transmission in various fields have a very wide range of sports, especially in industrial production, its efficiency is much higher compared to the planer, and, the higher the technological equipment, the more use of hydraulic part. This machine is designed hydraulic power system design - actuator design, this machine is a vertical form-milling specific machine.
My design content is milling machines, mainly in the implementation of components, namely hydraulic cylinder design, design work content is the master cylinder to determine its main dimensions, but also design other auxiliary components. And complete mapping of the hydraulic system.
Key words Vertical Milling Machine;hydraulic pressure actuator;hydraulic system;Special Machines

目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
绪 论 - 1 -
1.1技术要求 - 4 -
1.2系统功能设计 - 4 -
1.2.1 工况分析 - 4 -
1.2.2 确定主要参数,编制工况图 - 5 -
1.2.3 拟定液压系统原理图 - 9 -
1.2.4组成液压系统 - 10 -
1.3系统液压元件、辅件元件的设计 - 12 -
1.3.1 液压泵及其驱动电机的选用 - 12 -
1.3.2 液压控制阀和部分液压辅助元件的选择 - 12 -
1.3.3 其他辅助元件及液压油液的选用 - 14 -
1.3.4 计算液压系统技术性能 - 15 -
1.4 定位缸和夹紧缸的设计 - 16 -
1.4.1定位缸的设计 - 16 -
1.4.2 夹紧缸的设计 - 17 -
第二章 专用铣床液压系统中主液压缸的设计 - 18 -
2.1液压缸主要尺寸的确定 - 18 -
2.1.1 缸工作压力的确定: - 18 -
2.1.2 液压缸内径D和活塞杆直径d的确定 - 18 -
2.1.3 液压缸壁厚和外径的计算: - 18 -
2.1.4 液压缸工作行程的确定 - 19 -
2.1.5 缸盖厚度的确定 - 19 -
2.1.6 最小导向长度的确定 - 19 -
2.1.7 缸体长度的确定 - 20 -
2.1.8 活塞杆稳定性的验算 - 20 -
小 结 - 21 -
致 谢 - 22 -
参考文献 - 23 -