摘 要
The design of vice plywood in the circular comb
Today, China's silk industry that is still semi-manual semi-mechanical methods of production, industrial upgrading imminent. Due to China's traditional textile industry gradually transformed into automation, engineering thereon enormous.To involve the whole traditional silk spinning machine improvements, including the machine's power system, improve the system for cotton silk devices, equipment, etc. Silk cotton spinning industry in each of the machine structure and there is no "vice plywood," the statement. View to achieving comb cotton automation, it is necessary to replace the manual process of taking cotton is cotton with a cotton stick to take the process, then there should be a means to replace cotton stick to grip the cotton strip. And in the next round on a comb carded cotton, when it is still able to put cotton firmly clamped. We will introduce the "vice jaws" of the concept.And this article is aimed primarily circular comb machine vice jaw design means that for vice jaws to improve the design .The main work and innovations are as follows:
1.Improvement in the traditional cutting machine, of course, this is combined with our entire team of the cutting machine to be modified .The original need for manual cutting machine cut cotton, and are associated with switching the steering motor and other issues with a certain degree of risk.And our team is designing an automatic cut cotton machine, the original structure again improved optimization, improved cotton cut mainly by cutting cotton roller, roller, brackets, motors, electromagnetic clutches and other components to achieve cut cotton machine automatic feeding cotton, cotton automatic cutting and automatic pick cotton. In this new cutting machine not only can be automated, but also improve the safety factor of the plant.
2.Design of vice jaws. In the conventional circular comb machine and not vice splint that means, but with a man on a cotton stick to the cutting machine cut Mian transferred to the circular comb machine. But to achieve automation of the entire industrial process, it is necessary to devise a deputy to replace plywood cotton stick. It can be said Deputy splint is designed to start the whole team is also a top priority. For the vice jaws designed mainly related to: the overall shape of the Deputy plywood, plywood deputy internal structure, select and deputy vice splint splint material lock devices.
3.Moves deputy splint that is designed for vice jaws mobile platform is to study the contents of this article. Deputy splint on the platform is standing or lying flat, when it opened in the closed state of the mobile platform is its stability during movement in the can produce more or less influence on the subsequent design of the entire team. So for design vice jaw moving platform is also one of the working of this article.
Keywords: silk industry; circular comb machine; deputy splint design; cut machine; mobile platforms

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 绢纺业背景及发展趋势 1
1.2 结合国外绢纺业分析我国目前发展的不足 1
1.2.1 日本绢纺业的发展革新 1
1.2.2 意大利绢纺业的发展革新 2
1.2.3 我国绢纺发展的状况 2
1.3 绢纺工业 3
1.4 圆梳机结构 5
1.4.1 圆梳机的作用 5
1.4.2 圆梳机的结构 5
1.5 论文主要研究的内容及意义 6
第二章 中切机的改进 7
2.1 传统的中切机 7
2.1.1 中切机的介绍 7
2.1.2 中切机改进设想 7
2.2 改进后的中切机的工作原理 8
2.3 基于Soildworks 对中切机进行建立模型 8
2.3.1 中切机的总体装配图 8
2.3.2 中切机零件功能介绍 9
2.4 本章小结 11
第三章 副夹板的设计 12
3.1 副夹板的设计思想 12
3.1.1 副夹板初步方案设计 12
3.1.2 副夹板的成形设计 15
3.2 副夹板的材料选取 17
3.3 副夹板的受力分析 19
3.4 本章总结 20
第四章 移动平台与推力装置的设计 21
4.1 副夹板的移动平台的设计 21
4.2 推力装置的设计 22
4.3 本章小结 23
第五章 总结与展望 25
参考文献 27
致谢 28