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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16311422 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311422



The design of hydraulic station for the power system design of the engine end milling machine
    Hydraulic system is a use of electric energy to drive the motor, the use of hydraulic pump will be given to the oil pipe in a certain pressure, the drive to drive the implementation of different components. In the whole system through the control of a variety of solenoid valve to change the direction of the flow of hydraulic oil flow, and then drive the hydraulic cylinder to complete the work of different actions in the processing process. Meet the processing needs of different processing operations. Hydraulic system in the process of the whole process of the need for a detailed analysis of the working state of the machine tool, and then design the various hydraulic components. The assembly of the whole hydraulic station needs to take into account the coordination between different valve components and the components of the tank body. Finally, the whole system needs to check the performance of the system.                                    
Key words: special machine tool, power system, hydraulic station, end face milling                   



目 录
摘要    III
Abstract    IV
1 绪论    1
1.1 液压传动的发展概况    2
1.2 液压传动的特点及在机械行业中的应用    2
2   液压系统设计要求    4
2.1.本毕业设计(论文)课题任务的内容和要求    4
2.2.本次毕业设计需要完成的任务和需要绘制的相关CAD图纸    4
3   液压系统的设计参数    5
3.1本设计的设计参数和技术要求    5
3.2工作负载    5
3.3绘制负载图和速度图    6
4  初选液压缸    8
4.1初步选定液压缸工作压力    8
4.2确定液压缸的主要尺寸    8
4.3导向套的设计与计算    9
4.4压力、流量、功率计算    9
4.4液压缸工况图    10
5  拟定液压系统原理图    14
5.1 速度控制回路的选择    14
5.2 滑台基本回路的选择    14
5.3拟定液压系统图    14
6 液压元件的选择    16
    6.1 液压泵和电机的选择    16
6.1.1确定液压泵和电动机规格    16
6.1.2液压泵的流量计算    16
6.1.3确定液压泵的规格    16
6.1.4确定液压泵驱动功率及电机的规格型号    16
6.2阀类元件和辅助元件的选择    16
6.4油箱的设计    18
7 液压系统的性能验算    20
7.1 油路的压力损失    20
7.2油液温升验算    22
8  结论    24
9 参考文献    25
