Design of feeding robot arm
Because the motor drive technology has a series of significant advantages, such as simple structure, low cost, no pollution, easy maintenance and so on. Now the motor drive get more and more widely used in industrial production, has become an indispensable important means of automation, have been paid much attention by people. Along with the development of the industrial mechanization and automation in recent years, some of the mechanical arm can imitate the manpower and arm action function, it can grab according to a fixed procedure operating tool to moving objects or automatic operation of the device, and it is the first industrial robots,it is also the first modern robot, it can work hard instead of human to realize mechanization and automation of production, operating in a dangerous environment to protect personal safety, thus it is widely used in machinery, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy etc.
First of all, according to the functional requirements of the feeding robot arm for the overall structure analysis, put forward a variety of design of overall structure, and inspection on the analysis, choose the best of all. For the specific design of the best design, including the transmission choose, the design of the ball screw, the choice of motor, the design of the gear transmission, bearing and shaft design calculation and checking; The CAD drawing of two-dimensional engineering assembly diagram and main parts diagram, detailed analyzes the internal structure of the robot arm label the overall size of the robot arm with basic tolerance; Using Pro/E to make feeding robot arm parts of figure and total assembly drawing, and establish the feeding three-dimensional entity model of the robot arm movement simulation analysis to check interference; Using
ANSYS software to establish finite element model of typical components, stress analysis and strength checking, using UG to establish the major parts of nc machining process.
Keyword:Mechanical arm; Design; Simulation; Processing

目 录
摘要 II
Abstract III
1绪论 1
1.1 本论文的学术背景及理论与实际意义 1
1.2 上料机器人手臂的发展现状和未来的发展趋势 2
1.3 本论文研究的主要内容 8
2 上料机械手臂的结构设计 10
2.1 总体方案分析 10
2.2 传动方案的选择 11
2.3 滚珠丝杠的设计 13
2.4 电机的选择 17
2.5 齿轮传动的设计 19
2.6 轴承的选择 25
2.7 俯仰轴的设计 28
3 PRO/E建模和仿真 32
3.1 主要部件建模及其简介 32
3.2 其他主要三维模型的展示 42
3.3 上料机器人手臂的装配模型 45
4结论 66
参考文献 67
5致谢 69