Structural Design of the Profile Cutter Head of a Machining Centre
本设计主要是根据设计要求,依据机械设计和机械制图的基本原理对一台重型数控龙门铣床的侧铣头进行结构设计,该侧铣头能够在X 方向和Z方向两个方向上进行铣削运动。本设计主要分三部分:
关键字: 重型数控龙门铣床 侧铣头 结构设计 总体方案设计
The design is mainly to design the profile cutter head structural of a heavy numerically controlled plan miller according as the rationale of mechanism design and theory of machines on the bases of design specification. The design is mainly divided into three parts:
The first part is a content of total project design of the profile cutter head Structure according as design specification, including confirming the manner of servo feed motion and the main motion.
The second part is design of calculations of machine parts of servo feed motion system and the main motion system according as the rationale of mechanism design. Its mainly including chooses the type, the calculation and the verification of the feed electromotor, the principal axis electromotor and the ball screw, and the design of hold-in range and synchronous pulley.
The third part is to design the mainly structure firstly on the bases of main parts choosed and designed in the second part, then to design two dimensional drawings, and create three assembly drawings and one detail drawings using CAXA software according to the rationale of theory of machines.
Keywords: Heavy numerically controlled plan miller, The profile cutter head, Structural design, total project design, two dimensional design。
1) 侧铣头的行程为600mm;
2) 定位精度为5ηm ;
3) 与立柱连接部分横跨度为1300mm;
4) 最大进给速度为10 m/min;
5) 两侧铣头中间能通过最大零件宽度为3150mm;
6) 主切削力5000N。

目 录
摘 要......I
一、绪 论 1
1.1 国内外数控机床的发展状况 1
1.2 数控技术的发展趋势 2
1.3 设计目的和意义 3
二、总体方案设计 5
2.1设计基本要求 5
2.2总体设计方案 6
三、伺服系统机械部分设计计算 8
3.1滚珠丝杠副的选择计算 8
3.1.1 已知参数 8
3.1.2 切削力的确定 8
3.1.3 滚珠丝扛螺母副的设计、计算 8
3.2 进给伺服系统传动计算 11
3.2.1 电动机选择 11
3.2.2 同步带的设计计算 17
3.3 机床主轴部分设计计算 18
3.3.1 主轴电机及其减速器的选择计算 18
3.3.2 同步带的设计计算 19
四、二维设计 21
4.1 大体结构设计 21
4.2 利用 CAXA 电子图版进行二维设计 22
经济技术性与环保分析 27
结 论 28
致 谢 29