摘 要
The bed is a very important basis for supporting parts in the vertical machining center, it plays a role that supporting the column, the slide, the workbench and some other important parts. The bed mainly withstands the static load of the machine tool and the cutting load in the processing. The static and dynamic performance of the bed directly affects the machining accuracy and stability. Therefore, the optimization of the bed structure has great significance for the development of the vertical machining centers. The subject, which is combined with the performance characteristics and parameters of the vertical machining center 850B of the Shenyang Machine Tool Factory, have designed the bed structure of the vertical machining center scientifically and systematically, the details are as follows:
(1)Learnt from the bed structure of the same type and designed the layout of the bed top surface under VMC850B’s whole structure, through accessing to <Practical Machine Design Manual> and <Mechanical Design Manual> and other reference books, scientifically designed the cross-sectional shape of the bed, including the selection of the wall thickness as well as the reasonable layout of the reinforcing rib, the square and circle holes. The subject also did the stress analysis for the bed and used the software called ANSYS to do the finite element analysis of the static force for the model of the bed.
(2)For the important parts of the bed, including the Y-direction servo feed drive motor, ball screws, linear guides ,bearings and couplings, did the analysis and the calculation, and eventually established the models and the parameters.
(3)Put forward the accuracy requirements of the bed, including the geometric precision of the machining and assembly process.
Keywords: the vertical machining ;center the bed ; structural design ;selection calculation finite element analysis ; precision design

目 录
1 机床设计现状 1
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势 2
1.3 本论文内容概要 4
2 床身结构设计 4
2.1 床身材料 4
2.2 床身时效处理 4
2.3 床身结构设计 5
2.3.1床身重要表面设计 5
2.3.2床身截面形状设计 5
2.4 床身热变形 10
2.5 床身结构确定方案 11
3 床身零部件的计算与选型 12
3.1 Y方向滚珠丝杠副的选择 12
3.1.1 初步计算丝杠导程 13
3.1.2 滚珠丝杠副当量载荷与当量转速计算 14
3.1.3计算预期额定动载荷 17
3.1.4 估算滚珠丝杠允许最大轴向变形 18
3.1.5估算滚珠丝杠副的底径 18
3.1.6 计算滚珠丝杠副预紧力 20
3.1.7 滚珠丝杠副剩余结构尺寸确定 20
3.2 伺服电机的选择 21
3.2.1电机的负载转矩计算 21
3.2.2 惯量匹配计算 22
3.2.3空载启动时最大加速力矩 计算: 24
3.2.4快速空载启动时所需最大启动力矩 计算 24
3.2.5 电动机连续匀速工作时的最大力矩 25
3.2.6 电动机输出端轴的直径计算 25
3.3 滚动轴承的选择 25
3.3.1 滚动轴承使用条件 26
3.3.2 初选止动球轴承型号 26
3.3.3 止推轴承组配方式 26
3.3.4 止推轴承的选用计算 27
3.3.5 圆柱滚子轴承的选型计算 29
结 论 31
致 谢 33
参考文献 34