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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16311430 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311430

摘 要

关键词: 立式加工中心;床身;排屑系统;结构设计;有限元分析

This article is a design manual that mainly about the vertical CNC machining canter’s bed system and chip-removal system,and it can be divided into two parts。
The first part mainly talk about the Bed system,working on the structural design and the calculations。Meanwhile,use CATIA to do some finite element analysis(FEA)about the stress and displacement in order to verify the design results。
The second part mainly talk about the Chip-removal system。Device of chip-removal work in the box through scroll wheel dragging the transporting steel plate the traction conveyor chain plate,the scraps which processed in the operation of the machining center can fall to the chain belt,transported out of the machine by a chain belt and then fall into the litter box。This system can be used for the collection,transportation and further processing。
In addition, this article also talks about the development of CNC Vertical machining center and bed system and chip-removal system.

Keywords: the Vertical machining center;Bed system;
           Chip-removal system;Structural design,FE


目   录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
绪  论    1
1  床身系统分析与设计    5
    1.1  立式加工心床身系统的意义及基本要求    5
1.2  床身基本形式    5
1.3  床身材料选择及处理    5
1.4  床身结构设计    6
1.4.1  床身截面结构设计    6
1.4.2  床身筋、肋布置及孔设计    6
1.4.3  床身壁厚及筋厚度的确定    7
1.4.4  立式加工中心床身最终结构    9
1.5  床身受力计算    9
1.6  床身有限元分析    10
2  排屑系统分析与设计    13
2.1  排屑系统在立式加工中心中的作用    13
2.2  典型立式加工中心排屑装置    13
2.2.1  平板链式排屑装置    13
2.2.2  刮板式排屑装置    14
2.2.3  螺旋式排屑装置    14
2.2.4  磁性板式排屑装置    14
2.3  排屑装置的发展趋势    15
2.4  系统总体传动方案的确定    15
2.5  电动机的选择    17
2.6  带传动设计    17
    2.6.1  带型的选择    17
2.7  链传动设计    19
2.7.1  平顶链的选择    19
2.7.2  链轮的计算    20
2.8  张紧机构设计    22
2.8.1  链传动的张紧设计    22
2.8.2  带传动的张紧设计    23
2.9  输送链版的设计    24
2.10 排屑装置的保养与维护    25
总  结    27
致  谢    28
参考文献    29
